colbybanbury / astrobee_CISC489

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Astrobee Research CISC 489

Steven Kuntz, Colby Banbury, Evan DeAngelis




Subjects, Methods, and Analysis

Research and Purpose


Initial Gazebo simulation


RVIZ Simulation


Depth Camera and Area Mapper


Image From Astrobee Camera


Astrobee Movement from ROS Commands

gazebo gazebo gazebo


Over the course of this project, we had refine our end goal a lot. Initially we expected to be working with object detection of the astrobee and navigation of the robot. We underestimated the difficulty of deciphering software written by an outside party to be able to use as we pleased. Between set up and getting the data we needed, time was not in our favor to tackle it all. By the end of this project we accomplished:

Direction for further Research

Genetic algorithms steps and how we would implement them


  1. Initialization
    • Dataset:
      • Create an image dataset and label each image with the corrispoinding location data from simulation
    • Initial Population of detection algorithms:
      • Create a population of different, rudimentary location detection algorithms based on existing image recognition software
      • This will likely be the hardest stage as this part of Genetic algorithms does not easily work with image detection
  2. Fitness Function
    • Define what is more fit:
      • the closer the guess is to the actual coordinates the more fit the algorithm
  3. Selection
    • Weighted Selection Criteria:
      • Use the fitness from coordinate data to increase the chance of reproduction
    • Source of randomness:
      • Roulette Wheel Selection
      • Fitness increases the chance but reproduction is still ultimately rando roulette
  4. Crossover
    • Mix the traits of the parents
      • Could increase ammount of crossover based on relative fitness
  5. Mutation
    • Add in random weighting
      • change the weighting of a certain aspect the image detection in some of the offspring