This anlysis package uses SciPy, NumPy and MatPlotLib. If you are unfamilar with these, it might be good to go and read about them. Currently I am using this on yellowstone/cheyenne, hopefully nothing will change between super computers. So to use python on yellowstone first you need to load the modules with;
module load python module load all-python-libs
This will load all the nessesarty libraries Then you can enter the interactive python front end and run your scripts, with
ipython --pylab
You should also add the p3dthon direcotory to your path. I would just go ahead and add the following lines in your ipython config startup file: in the file located at ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/ Add the following code #
import os import sys
p3dthon_path = '/glade/u/home/colbyh/Py3D/' sys.path.append(p3dthon_path) from Py3D.sub import * from import Movie from Py3D.vdist_plotter import VDistPlotter from PartTrace.testparticle import TPRun
# But replase the path with your own path to Py3D
this will let you use Py3D right off the bat. Good luck!