The main script rpki-validator validates the decompressed RIB dump with three different implementations of the RTRlib. To make sure that no asynchronous results due to changes in the cache happen, a local, static cache is required. Use the RIPE RPKI Validator with certain settings in this case.
The RIB dump will, after the main script filtered out unnecessary data, contain only two columns: the prefix and the AS. 55803 55670 132827 132827 55803
After the script ran its validation, three files will be there containing the validation outcome. One for each RTRlib implementation:
All of them contain data in the same order as the formatted RIB dump, with the addition of the validation outcome: 55803 "Valid" 55670 "NotFound" 132827 "NotFound" 132827 "Valid" 55803 "Valid"
To begin, first download and decompress a RIB dump from here.
To decompress use the bzip2
bzip2 -d filename.bz2
This command will get rid of the original dump. To preserve it, add the -k option.
Next, download, extract and start the RTR Test Suite on a port of your choice, e.g. 8181:
tar -xzf RTRTestsuite-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dist.tar.gz
./RTRTestsuite-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/ 8181
You will be prompted with a CLI. Type help
for all options. Now the ROAs must be added to the cache of the testing environment. There is a roas file in the root of this repository which can be used. You can add additional entries to the file in the format '[ASN] [Prefix] [MaxLen]'. Then, enter into the CLI:
addfile path/to/roa/file
Open a new Terminal. The main script rpki-validator takes the decompressed RIB dump as a parameter, as well as the host and port of the cache. Use localhost for
./ rib.dump <host> <port>
After the script successfully finished there will now be three new files with the results. Compare them by executing the analysis script:
./ lpfst-result.txt trie-result.txt rpki-result.txt
The output file statistics.txt will contain all ROAs from which the validation result differs from each other and show the validation results for lpfst, trie and the RIPE RPKI validator.