colinbull / StrongNetCoreConfig

True strongly type Net core configuration access
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fsharp netcore2

Strongly type access for .NET Core for F

True strongly type Net core configuration access. This simple library, provides a hook to use F# Type provides with .net core configuration system.

Note this project doesn't actually add anything that wasn't already there in the F# + netcore ecosystem. It just ties together a few concepts.

Currently, no NuGet pacakage is available, but the actual extension is only a single file which can be referenced using Paket,

github colinbull/StrongNetCoreConfig src/StrongConfigurationExtensions.fs

Firstly, create the type providers based on configuration samples,

type CommonConfiguration = JsonProvider<"appsettings.json">
type EnvironmentConfiguration = JsonProvider<"appsettings.production.json">

type CommonConfigRoot = CommonConfiguration.Root
type EnvConfigRoot = EnvironmentConfiguration.Root

Optionally then we can define a wrapper object for this provided configuration.

type Configuration = 
    { Common : CommonConfigRoot
    Environment : EnvConfigRoot }
    static member Empty = 
            Common = CommonConfiguration.GetSample()
            Environment = EnvironmentConfiguration.GetSample()
    member x.Refresh(?common:CommonConfigRoot, ?env:EnvConfigRoot) = 
        Common = defaultArg common x.Common
        Environment = defaultArg env x.Environment

    static member OnChange (configRef:Configuration ref) (env:IHostingEnvironment) path  = 
        let envPath = sprintf "appsettings.%s.json" env.EnvironmentName 
        match Path.GetFileName(path) with 
        | "appsettings.json" -> 
            printfn "Updating Common config"
            configRef := ((!configRef).Refresh(common = CommonConfiguration.Load(path)))
        | a when a = envPath -> 
            printfn "Updating Environment config"
            configRef := ((!configRef).Refresh(env = EnvironmentConfiguration.Load(path)))
        | _ -> ()

Also then we need to setup a global instance of our configuration.

let configInstance = ref Configuration.Empty

We can register to listen for changes in the configuration, this is done as part of the ConfigureService call on the WebHostBuilder

let configureServices (services : IServiceCollection) =
    let sp  = services.BuildServiceProvider()
    let env = sp.GetService<IHostingEnvironment>()

    //-------------------  Setup typed configuration
    let config = sp.GetService<IConfiguration>() 
    config.RegisterConfigChange(Configuration.OnChange configInstance,env)

Also at this point we can choose to transiently inject our global config instance to make it available to out Http handlers.

services.AddTransient<Configuration>(fun _ -> !configInstance) |> ignore

As a nice touch, if you are using giraffe, you can add the following handler to resolve the configuration for you, for example,

let withConfig<'a> (f : 'a -> HttpHandler) : HttpHandler = 
    (fun (next:HttpFunc) (ctx:HttpContext) -> 
        task { 
            let cfg = ctx.GetService<'a>()
            return! (f cfg) next ctx

and then you'll have access to the config in your routes.

let webapp = 
    choose [ 
        route "/" >=> withConfig<Configuration> (fun a -> 
                        razorHtmlView "index" { 
                                            IntValue = a.Common.Test.OptionInt; 
                                            StringValue = a.Common.Test.OptionString; 
                                            EnableCaching = a.Environment.Caching.EnableCaching

See the samples for more info.