colindean / plaintextaccounting_workshop

An Introduction and Then Some to Plain Text Accounting with Ledger
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Plain Text Accounting Workshop

:warning: :warning: If you're wanting to follow the workshop, download the PDF (or the HTML) and the tar.gz from the releases page.

If you're reading the this README on the linked repo, you're not reading the right thing: the instructions below are for building the workshop distributable files.

Contributing to the Workshop

The Markdown files in this directory are pandoc-flavored Markdown so they may not correctly render on GitHub. This is especially true of the tables.

Run brew bundle to install the easily available dependencies to build this workshop document.

And then there's the no so easily available:

Run make open to compile the PDF and open it in a PDF viewer.

Run make watch to start an edit-compile loop.

The № 1 rule? Leave it better than you found it.


This work is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. You are free to share and adapt this workshop but you must provide attribution to Colin Dean, you must share your changes under the same license, and you may not use this workshop for commercial purposes. See for more infromation.