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Affect other plone addon #4

Closed mactrash closed 10 months ago

mactrash commented 7 years ago

Error with save in other addon.

Here is the full error message:

Display traceback as text

Traceback (innermost last):

Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 146, in publish Module Zope2.App.startup, line 301, in commit Module transaction._manager, line 89, in commit Module transaction._transaction, line 329, in commit Module transaction._transaction, line 443, in _commitResources Module ZODB.Connection, line 567, in commit Module ZODB.Connection, line 623, in _commit Module ZODB.Connection, line 658, in _store_objects Module ZODB.serialize, line 422, in serialize Module ZODB.serialize, line 431, in _dump PicklingError: Can't pickle <class ''>: import of module failed

jonaspiterek commented 10 months ago

Closing because of deprecation.