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Blog content types for Plone 6
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kitconcept GmbH

Blog features for Plone

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Features adds blogging features to a Plone site.

Content Types

name context
Blog A folderish content type that supports adding Posts and Authors
Blog Author An Author in a blog
Blog Tag A Tag for categorizing posts in a blog
Blog Post A Post in a blog


Add as a dependency on your package's

    install_requires = [

Also, add to your package's configure.zcml (or dependencies.zcml):

<include package="" />

Generic Setup

To automatically enable this package when your add-on is installed, add the following line inside the package's profiles/default/metadata.xml dependencies element:


Source Code and Contributions

We welcome contributions to

You can create an issue in the issue tracker, or contact a maintainer.

Development requirements


Install all development dependencies -- including Plone -- and create a new instance using:

make install

Update translations

make i18n

Format codebase

make format

Run tests

Testing of this package is done with pytest and tox.

Run all tests with:

make test

Run all tests but stop on the first error and open a pdb session:

./bin/tox -e test -- -x --pdb

Run only tests that match TestVocabAuthors:

./bin/tox -e test -- -k TestVocabAuthors

Run only tests that match TestVocabAuthors, but stop on the first error and open a pdb session:

./bin/tox -e test -- -k TestVocabAuthors -x --pdb


The development of this add-on has been kindly sponsored by German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Forschungszentrum Jülich.

German Aerospace Center (DLR) Forschungszentrum Jülich

Developed by kitconcept


The project is licensed under GPLv2.