collective / collective.ebook

Add-on that lets a visitor download a publication from a subtree of content.
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depend on collective.js.jqueryui instead of using googleapi #4

Open domruf opened 11 years ago

domruf commented 11 years ago

I think collective.ebook should depend on collective.js.jqueryui instead of using jqueryui from googleapi I am pretty sure this leads to conflicts if you are using jqueryui in other plone addons

malthe commented 11 years ago

If it's the same version, then yeah, that would probably be ideal. I don't remember if I knew about that package, or if I had opinions about the dependency. But I think it's good practice to link to Google's CDN.

Note that in case of a conflict, it still is possible to manually fix that.

domruf commented 11 years ago

well if you are running plone as an intranet site and from some computers the internet is not available it is not a good idea to use google CDN :-) and sure I might be able to fix a conflict manually but it would be much easier to recognize the conflict in the first place if buildout just told me that there is a version conflict

malthe commented 11 years ago

Please give it a try and see if works.