collective / collective.ebook

Add-on that lets a visitor download a publication from a subtree of content.
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This add-on allows the formatting of a subtree of content as a PDF-article.



Plone 4.1+

While the default installation script should work in most cases, there might be compatibility issues with some provided JavaScript libraries – in particular, jQuery UI – if you've already got add-ons which need to provide it, too.


Add 'collective.ebook' to the eggs-section of your buildout.cfg, run buildout, restart instance.

Go to the quickinstaller of your site, accessible via '' and activate collective.ebooks.


In editmode of a folder or article, click the tab 'Settings', check 'Enable this article to be included in a in a PDF-generation', hit save.

You should now see a tree-like overview of the selected items and its children, where you can select or deselect the items you want to be included in the PDG-generation.

Additonally every article has an extra-field for general, so to say global, in- and exclusion of a PDF-generation, which is set to True by default, meaning included.


GPLv3 (


Malthe Borch


Ida Ebkes, translations and docs.

Further credits

dynatree is implemented to provide a nice UI and lazy loading for selecting arbitrary parts of subtrees.