collective / collective.facebook.accounts

This product allows you to associate Facebook accounts with a Plone site.
3 stars 2 forks source link

============================ collective.facebook.accounts

.. contents:: Table of Contents

Life, the Universe, and Everything

This package allows you to associate Facebook accounts with a Plone site using OAuth authentication.

Facebook accounts are added to the Plone site using a Facebook app. You can create your own from Facebook's App Dashboard_. Make sure to write down the app's "App ID/API Key".

Don't Panic

Done, you should now be back at your Plone site, and see your account listed in the "Accounts" section in the tool.

An expiration date is included too.

If you want to remove an account, simply click on its red cross next to its name. Be carefull, it will delete the account without confirmation, and it cannot be undone.

Applications ^^^^^^^^^^^^

If you want to authorize your application to access the Facebook API, for instance to show a portlet with a user's Wall, you can do just that:

You should now see your application listed in the "Accounts" section.

Actually posting or getting to/from Facebook ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This product just saves the needed data in order to use the Facebook API. You'll need additional products in order to do so, for example collective.facebook.portlets_.

Mostly Harmless

Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a support ticket_.

.. Facebook: .. collective.facebook.portlets: .. App Dashboard: .. Permissions Reference: .. OAuth: .. opening a support ticket: