collinhover / impactplusplus

Impact++ is a collection of additions to ImpactJS with full featured physics, dynamic lighting, UI, abilities, and more.
MIT License
276 stars 59 forks source link

Impact++ (r7)



Expanding the ImpactJS engine by over x10 so you can kick-start your game project into a full featured experience for the web (and mobile!).

Impact++ is stable for ImpactJS v1.20 - v1.23



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Getting Started

Generator Method

  1. Use the killer Yeoman Generator put together by @racingcow

Manual Method

  1. Download using one of the "Download" links and extract the files.
  2. Copy the impactplusplus/lib/plusplus folder into your new or existing ImpactJS project lib directory.
  3. Either copy the impactplusplus/lib/weltmeister/config.js into your projet's lib/weltmeister directory...
  4. Or, if you have a custom Weltmeister config:
    • add 'lib/plusplus/entities/*.js' to the entityFiles setting
    • change the collisionTiles.path setting to 'lib/weltmeister/collisiontiles_plusplus_64.png'

Next, make sure you're comfortable with the ImpactJS Documentation. Then load up the Impact++ Jump N' Run demo (see below) to review the basics, and dive into the Impact++ Documentation.

Demo: Jump N' Run

Check out the Jump N' Run demo for an overview of getting started with Impact++, located in the 'examples/jumpnrun' directory. Don't forget to copy the ImpactJS engine and Weltmeister files into the demo directory!


Check out the SUPER COLLIDER demo for an overview of how to use almost every single feature in Impact++, located in the 'examples/supercollider' directory. Don't forget to copy the ImpactJS engine and Weltmeister files into the demo directory!


Ejecta, Cocoonjs, etc?

Impact++ has been built from day one to be portable / wrappable to iOS, Android, Win8, etc. Tests are ongoing, but the library does nothing that should need special handling when porting or wrapping your game code for distribution as a mobile app. Please let us know if you find any issues!

Custom Settings

// edit the user config file at 'plusplus/config-user.js'
// then you can set values
// for any of the properties that appear in ig.CONFIG
// and they will automatically be merged
// over the base settings
    // for example, one thing you'll probably want to set right away
    // is your own logo (in base64) for the loader
    LOADER_LOGO_SRC_MAIN: 'data:image/png;base64,...'

Design Philosophy


We'd love it if you want to help make Impact++ better, so if you're interested take a look at CONTRIBUTING.


Impact++ is licensed under the MIT license. For full license and information, see LICENSE.


Check out the Releases.