colonelpanic8 / org-window-habit

GNU General Public License v3.0
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*** Habit Tracking Define a org heading with a TODO state and a SCHEDULED or DEADLINE with any repeater. The actual length of the repeater does not matter, since a different mechanism will be used to assign new due dates, but it is important (for the time being) that some type of repeater is present. You also need to add :STYLE: habit under :PROPERTIES: to signal that this is a habit entry.

+begin_src org

**** TODO [#C] Weights SCHEDULED: <2023-09-12 Tue 16:30> DEADLINE: <2023-09-12 Tue .+2d> :PROPERTIES: :STYLE: habit :END:


*** Using Simple Repetitions Requirements If you only want to define a single window over which the habit will be evaluated you can use =:WINDOW_DURATION:= =:REPETITIONS_REQUIRED:= and =:OKAY_REPETITIONS_REQUIRED:= to set simple conditions for habit assessment.

+begin_src org



*** Advanced Habit Specification Alternatively, you can use the =:WINDOW_SPECS:= property to define multiple assessment windows for your habit.

+begin_src org

:WINDOW_SPECS: ((:duration (:days 4) :repetitions 1) (:duration (:days 6) :repetitions 2)) :ASSESMENT_INTERVAL: (:days 1) :RESCHEDULE_INTERVAL: 2


*** Assesment interval The =:ASSESMENT_INTERVAL:= parameter defaults to a period of 1 day when not specified. It controls how much the rolling window for =:WINDOW_DURATION= is advanced for each evaluation of the habit. In other words, it determines the step size by which the rolling window moves forward in time for each habit assessment.

*** Reschedule interval The =:RESCHEDULE_INTERVAL:= parameter defaults to a period of 1 day when not specified. It controls the minimum amount of time that must pass after a completion before a habit can be rescheduled.