colthreepv / docker-image_optim

Docker image giving the built version of the best image optimizing CLI apps together with image_optim to rule them all
The Unlicense
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docker docker-image image-processing imageoptim


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A docker image giving the built version of the best image optimizing CLI apps together with image_optim to rule them all


95% of this work it's from rhardih's first attempt at dockerizing this project.


Minimal usage

Execute image_optim in your current dir:

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/images/ colthreepv/docker-image_optim image_optim -r .

How To Use

docker run --rm -ti \
  # Add whatever image directory you like
  # -v $(cd && cd images && pwd):/images/ \
  -v $(pwd)/config:/root/.config/ \
  colthreepv/docker-image_optim sh

Then a simple cd /images && image_optim -r . would optimize all the images in the mounted path.

How to Build

docker build -t image_optim . and (after a while) you can run your custom-built image

docker run --rm -ti \
  # Add whatever image directory you like
  # -v $(cd && cd images && pwd):/images/ \
  -v $(pwd)/config:/root/.config/ \
  docker-image_optim sh


A demo configuration (LOSSY!) can be found in config/image_optim.yml, all the options are listed here


A serious shrink in footprint has been achieved squashing all the RUN layers into one.
The drawback is having to maintain 2 Dockerfiles

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                          TAG      SIZE
colthreepv/docker-image_optim       dev      365MB
colthreepv/docker-image_optim       latest   93.8MB