combat-sars-cov-2 / workbench-deploy

IRIDA and Galaxy deployment manifest definitions and scripts
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

COMBAT-SARS-CoV-2 Workbench

The COMBAT-SARS-CoV-2 Workbench is a all-included environment for SARS-CoV-2 genome data analysis. Users can load data and metadata, and run analyses including:

  1. genome consensus reconstruction
  2. variant identification
  3. SARS-CoV-2 lineage typing (with pangolin) and clade typing (with nextclade)

Data generated from these analyses can be used downstream or shared with databases like GISAID or NCBI's Genbank.

The workbench uses Docker and docker compose to hide the complexity of the software.

Up and running



This setup was tested on a VM with the following specs.

Using docker-compose

Assumption :


You can use scripts to install docker and deploy this stack.

git clone ; cd irida-galaxy-deploy
docker-compose -f stack.yml up -d


This will take a couple of minutes.. :watch: :coffee:

Upon completion, point your browser to:

The default administrator username and password are:

Openstack platform installation

Workbench code is in GitHub - pvanheus/docker-galaxy-stable

1. Checkout the galaxy docker repository

git clone
cd docker-galaxy-stable/compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.singularity.yml -f docker-compose.irida.yml up

2. Install the workflows & tools

cd docker-galaxy-stable/compose/galaxy-configurator/templates/irida/plugins
jar tf galaxy-configurator/templates/irida/plugins/sarscov2-artic-illumina-pipeline-plugin-0.1.10.jar
shed-tools install -g http://localhost:90 -a fakekey -t tools.yml