comex / inject_and_interpose

like mach_inject
127 stars 53 forks source link

Determine 32 bit and 64 bit process correctly. #7

Closed rtibdewal closed 3 years ago

rtibdewal commented 13 years ago

Issue 6. 32 bit injection process cannot inject 64 bit process and vice versa Issue 3. Cannot inject in Google Chrome

comex commented 13 years ago

The style is inconsistent and you should not be blindly retrying things over and over. I'll look at this, though.

rtibdewal commented 13 years ago

Sorry, I am new to git and fairly new to programming. I am learning and will try to follow your comments and I really prefer inject_and_interpose over mach_star.

The only important change is to guess whether the process is whether injectee process is 64-bit, rest of changes are due to Auto-Indentation option.

rtibdewal commented 13 years ago

Sorry but now I get what you meant in previous comment. My fix is no good for 32 bit injectees. You can scrap it.