commaai / agnos-builder

Build AGNOS, the operating system for your comma 3/3X
32 stars 51 forks source link


This is the builder repo for AGNOS, our Ubuntu based OS. AGNOS runs on the comma three devkit and comma 3X.

[!NOTE] Use if you're looking to reflash your device to a clean factory state.

AGNOS includes all the software to boot and run a comma 3/3X. This repo builds the two main parts of that (system and kernel) and packages it all up into a "release".


Any system that supports a recent Docker should work.

Run once to set things up:

git clone

cd agnos-builder
git submodule update --init agnos-kernel-sdm845



Flashing to a comma 3/3X:


Validating changes:


Building the kernel on macOS requires agnos-builder to be in a Case-sensitive filesystem.

Use this to set it up:

diskutil apfs addVolume <disk> "Case-sensitive APFS" agnos


Join us in the #dev-agnos channel on Discord.

A comma 3/3X is helpful for working on AGNOS, but there's still lots of interesting work to do without one.


AGNOS's main priority is to provide a stable platform to openpilot. The second priority is to be a good platform for all sorts of robotics development.

Now that AGNOS is good at running openpilot, the next things up are:

Some concrete things on the roadmap: