commerceblock / federation

Federation client for Ocean signing nodes.
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link


The client used by the federation nodes of the Ocean network performing block generation and signing, token inflation, and other functions.


  1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. python3 build && python3 install
  3. For the demo run ./run_demo or python3 -m demo
  4. For the federation run ./run_federation or python3 -m federation and provide the following arguments: --rpcconnect $HOST --rpocport $PORT --rpcuser $USER --rpcpass $PASS --id $NODE_ID --msgtype $MSG_TYPE --nodes $NODES_LIST

Federation arguments:

Example use:

Using HSMs


Assuming hsm and pkcs11 libraries setup and all config/secrets files are in place run:

docker build --build-arg user_pin=$USER_PIN --build-arg key_label=$KEY_LABEL -f Dockerfile.hsm.init .

This will generate a multisig script that should be used as the signblockarg in the ocean sidechain.


To build the federation container with hsm signing run:

docker build --build-arg user_pin=$USER_PIN --build-arg key_label=$KEY_LABEL -f Dockerfile.hsm .

Inside this container federation can be initiated by:

python3 -u -m federation --rpconnect signing1 --rpcport 18886 --rpcuser username1 --rpcpass password1 --id 1 --msgtype zmq --nodes "federation0:6666,federation1:7777,federation2:8888" --hsm 1

Inflating assets

The federation nodes can be used to reissue issued assets according to a fixed inflation schedule. This is enabled by setting the --inflationrate argument to a non zero value. The assets are then reissued every --inflationperiod blocks, and to the specified address. The reissuance tokens must be paid to the P2SH address of the supplied multisig script (--reissuancescript). The corresponding private key for the signing node (for the reissuance script) is supplied as --reissuanceprivkey. If inflation is enabled, the -rescan=1 and -recordinflation=1 flags must be set in the signing node ocean.conf file.