commoncriteria / application

Protection Profile for Application Software
The Unlicense
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Consider removing JavaScript dependencies. #111

Closed WeeknightMVP closed 9 years ago

WeeknightMVP commented 9 years ago

In response to colleagues' speculations regarding whether JavaScript was necessary to implement "collapsible" <div>s, I located another technique based on the CSS3 :target pseudo-class:

It works by applying the specified style to a target (@href) of an <a> that is located in the same document. This approach exchanges a JavaScript dependency for a CSS3 dependency, affects the user's browser history (due to hyperlink activation), and can only expand one assurance activity at a time (because previously expanded targets are no longer current).

This approach is shown in the transform I added (pp2html-nojs.xsl). I have not modified any other files (intentionally).

zsmi commented 9 years ago

Closing this for now. We need to be able to open multiple AA's at once.