commoncriteria / application

Protection Profile for Application Software
The Unlicense
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niap protection-profile

== Protection Profile for Application Software

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|[release-1.4] a|[๐Ÿ“„] a|[link=] image::[Validation] a|[link=] image::[SanityChecks] a|[link=] image::[SpellCheck] a|[link=] image::[TDs] a|image::[transforms,150] a| [link=] image::[HTML Count] [link=] image::[PDF Count] |===[image:[GitHub issues Open]]

This repository hosts the draft version of the Protection Profile for Application Software based on the[Essential Security Requirements (ESR)] for this technology class of products. This repository is used to facilitate collaboration and development on the draft document. See the link:#Release-Version[release] section if you are looking for the officially released version for evaluations. A list of products that have passed evaluation against this Protection Profile can be found[here].

=== Draft Version

=== Release Version

=== Contributing

If you are interested in contributing directly to future versions the this Protection Profile, please consider joining the NIAP technical community. *[How to join the NIAP Technical Community (Mailing list and updates)]

=== Feedback

Questions, comments, and fixes can be submitted to the[repository issue tracker]

=== Quickstart

To clone this project along with its transforms submodule run:

.... git clone --recursive ....

To pull updates from the upstream transforms submodule and commit them run:

.... git submodule update --remote transforms git add transforms git commit ....

==== Development Info

=== Repository Content

=== Links

=== License

See link:./LICENSE[License]