commonmark / commonmark-spec

CommonMark spec, with reference implementations in C and JavaScript
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CommonMark is a rationalized version of Markdown syntax, with a spec and BSD-licensed reference implementations in C and JavaScript.

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For more details, see

This repository contains the spec itself, along with tools for running tests against the spec, and for creating HTML and PDF versions of the spec.

The reference implementations live in separate repositories:

There is a list of third-party libraries in a dozen different languages here.

Running tests against the spec

The spec contains over 500 embedded examples which serve as conformance tests. To run the tests using an executable $PROG:

python3 test/ --program $PROG

If you want to extract the raw test data from the spec without actually running the tests, you can do:

python3 test/ --dump-tests

and you'll get all the tests in JSON format.

JavaScript developers may find it more convenient to use the commonmark-spec npm package, which is published from this repository. It exports an array tests of JSON objects with the format

  "markdown": "Foo\nBar\n---\n",
  "html": "<h2>Foo\nBar</h2>\n",
  "section": "Setext headings",
  "number": 65

The spec

The source of the spec is spec.txt. This is basically a Markdown file, with code examples written in a shorthand form:

```````````````````````````````` example
Markdown source
expected HTML output

To build an HTML version of the spec, do make spec.html. To build a PDF version, do make spec.pdf. For both versions, you must have the lua rock lcmark installed: after installing lua and lua rocks, luarocks install lcmark. For the PDF you must also have xelatex installed.

The spec is written from the point of view of the human writer, not the computer reader. It is not an algorithm---an English translation of a computer program---but a declarative description of what counts as a block quote, a code block, and each of the other structural elements that can make up a Markdown document.

Because John Gruber's canonical syntax description leaves many aspects of the syntax undetermined, writing a precise spec requires making a large number of decisions, many of them somewhat arbitrary. In making them, we have appealed to existing conventions and considerations of simplicity, readability, expressive power, and consistency. We have tried to ensure that "normal" documents in the many incompatible existing implementations of Markdown will render, as far as possible, as their authors intended. And we have tried to make the rules for different elements work together harmoniously. In places where different decisions could have been made (for example, the rules governing list indentation), we have explained the rationale for our choices. In a few cases, we have departed slightly from the canonical syntax description, in ways that we think further the goals of Markdown as stated in that description.

For the most part, we have limited ourselves to the basic elements described in Gruber's canonical syntax description, eschewing extensions like footnotes and definition lists. It is important to get the core right before considering such things. However, we have included a visible syntax for line breaks and fenced code blocks.

Differences from original Markdown

There are only a few places where this spec says things that contradict the canonical syntax description:


There is a forum for discussing CommonMark; you should use it instead of github issues for questions and possibly open-ended discussions. Use the github issue tracker only for simple, clear, actionable issues.


The spec was written by John MacFarlane, drawing on

Since the first announcement, many people have contributed ideas. Kārlis Gaņģis was especially helpful in refining the rules for emphasis, strong emphasis, links, and images.