community-garden / pergola-fullstack

server and frontend for the our-garden App and API
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Pergola FullStack


The easiest way to get started with the Pergola Stack is to create a Neo4j Sandbox instance and populate the database with example data

(If you have a running Neo4j database on localhost via Neo4j Desktop or a Neo4j server installation, change the password in api/.env)

1. Checkout submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

2. Install dependencies

yarn install && yarn run install

3. Seed the database (optional)

Make sure your application is running locally with yarn start, open another terminal and run

yarn run seedDb

4. Open In Browser



/ - Project Root

The root directory contains some global configuration and scripts:


This directory contains the GraphQL API application using Apollo Server and neo4j-graphql.js.

# Use this file to set environment variables with credentials and configuration options
# This file is provided as an example and should be replaced with your own values
# You probably don't want to check this into version control!


# Uncomment this line to enable encrypted driver connection for Neo4j

# Uncomment this line to specify a specific Neo4j database (v4.x+ only)


You can open the GraphQL Playground in the Browser with the url localhost:4001/playground


The frontend for Pergola

It includes:

Docker Compose

A Neo4J Database instance is beeing provided for development purpose.

You can quickly start it via:

docker-compose up -d


yarn run docker:up

If you want to load the example DB after the services have been started:

yarn run seedDb

You can find instructions for other ways to use Neo4j (Neo4j Desktop, Neo4j Aura, and other cloud services) in the Neo4j directory README.


Pergola uses Keycloak for rights- and user management. Keycloak offers a lot of authentication possibilities, that can be adopted to the needs of the garden community. Social identity provider like github, twitter, google or nextcloud can be used for user authentication.

To bootstrap a simple keycloak config on a newly created Pergola instance run the folllowing commad:

yarn run initKeycloak

Forked from Template

Initially created using:

npx create-grandstack-app myNewApp

This project was build using a starter for building a GRANDstack (GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database) application. There are two components to the starter, the web frontend application (in React and Angular flavors) and the API app (GraphQL server).

Hands On With The GRANDstack Starter