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Community Technology Field Notes

Comments and questions about the content are welcome, please submit them using new issues and pull requests.

Please fork this repo. Add and edit content. Send back pull requests.

Adding a Module to a Collection

To add a post:

  1. Add your post to desired section (i.e. docs/[name]/[section]/_posts/).

  2. Name the post ( -- be sure to include .md at the end.

  3. Start the post with the following (called yaml front matter) :

    layout: collection
    title: YOUR TITLE
    description: YOUR DESCRIPTION
    pdf: cck/intro/intro.pdf
    "Inkscape (sla)": /files/cck/intro/intro.sla
    lang: en
  4. Below this add your content.

  5. Use Kramdown Markdown to format the text.

  6. Save, Pull Request.

Adding New Guides or Collections

  1. Start by reviewing how the collection cck is layed out in /docs/cck and _data/cck.yml
  2. If you have multiple sections or chapters then add that information to _data/[name].yml
  3. Start your collection in docs/[name]
  4. Add posts to docs/[name]/[chapter1]/_posts/2014-10-10-[postname].md