compermisos / LPHardened

Decrapted- please use puppet config to deploy a hardened Linux Server
MIT License
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What is LPHardener?

Simple, is a "Linux Puppet Hardening Base Code".

Some puppet scripts designed whith the "Security By Default" in mind, the Reusability at premise, and KISS as paradigm.

Ofer a base config, Default Security, Distribution agnostic, to buil Linux Servers for hazarous ambients.

If you are a SysAdmin in very constrained ambient, o DevOps Developer you can easy start devel your production ambient based in this code, and start to build a secure Linux Server

And, if you work as SysAdmin in HigEnd ambient you can easy reuse modules to you ambient.

Is LPHardener Secure?

NOT: definitely LPHardener not is a recipe to build a Secure Linux Server, is only scripts to build "more hardened" Base Installs.

The Computer security (And Security in General) is a continuos proces, based in a polifacetic work.

LPHardener only ofer a "Bootstrap" code to define YOUR Linux Server Infraestructure.

What rules are taken in consideration to build LPHardener?

The SANS Linux Security CheckList are a basical start point to build a "secure server" and some recomendations are taken.

Install Instructions

You can easy clone the Git repo, Fork, or chekout, Make the changes necesaries to adapt to your infraestructure.

Run in puppet "in your way" and Enjoy.

Intentionall no exist "detailed" instrucctions to build this project. (p.s. You can view de Rakefile!!!!)

Install Requisites

LPHardener Requieres

What is the current Version

The current Version is 0.0.5 Code Name Slow Motion and are review work, is a testing grade

And the devel Version (AKA Git Hub master branch) is 1.0.0 Code Name Anaheli are planed to "production grade"

Tanks To


No are knowled bugs, if you find please create issue

Mised Configs?

SELinx is Great tool to hardening Linux, unforunutatily not is a standar componet in some distros, if your force SELinux in miss config distro, SELinux only ofer "miss security" you can view the current discousion in the issue #5,#7 #8

GRSecurity is a great component, only exist one problem, not is standar component, options are considerated you can see the issue #6