complexdatacollective / Architect

A tool that builds Network Canvas interviews.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 4 forks source link

Architect Build Status

Network Canvas Architect is a survey design tool for the Network Canvas suite of applications. It is built on Electron and React.

This tool is in maintainance mode. We are not actively developing new features, but will continue to fix bugs and accept pull requests. Community contributions are very welcome!

See the Network Canvas website for more information.

For questions and support, please visit the Network Canvas User Community.

Setting up a development environment



  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Fetch submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive -f
  1. Install NPM packages
npm install

Note: for Apple Silicon users, you need to install the electron package manually:

  npm install electron --arch=x86


npm run <script> Description
start:architect:electron Serves your app for consumption by electron.
start:network-canvas:electron Serves network canvas for consumption by previewer.
preelectron:dev Copies the electron source to ./electron-dev (must be run only when setting up the repo for the first time, or bumping the version number)
dev:electron Runs electron window with contents of start:architect:electron and start:network-canvas:electron(must be run concurrently)
build Compiles assets and prepares app for production in the /build directory.
lint Lints js/scss
test Runs testing suite
preflight Runs linting & testing. Useful as a prepush/build hook
dist:mac Build and publish OS X verison
dist:linux Build and publish Linux version
dist:win Build and publish Windows version
dist:all Build and publish all platforms
update-submodules Update git submodules

Bump version

Supply a version mask with x for unchanged values:

npm run [x.x.1] [codename]


npm run x.1.0 NameOfVersion

Development workflow in Electron

There are two additional tasks to enable development within an electron app natively:

  1. npm run start:architect:electron: to start the webpack dev server
  1. npm run start:network-canvas:electron: to start the webpack dev server
  1. npm run preelectron:dev Copies the electron source to ./electron-dev (in another terminal session)
  1. npm run dev:electron Runs the electron app from there

Application Structure

├── build                    # Prod assets
├── config                   # Project and build configurations (webpack, env config)
├── public                   # Static public assets
│   └── index.html           # Static entry point
├── src                      # Application source code
│   ├── index.js             # Application bootstrap and rendering
│   ├── routes.js            # App Route Definitions
│   ├── components           # Contains directories for components
│   ├── containers           # Contains directories for containers for native and base classes
│   ├── reducers             # Reducers for data stores
│   ├── ducks                # Middleware, modules (ducks-style with actions, reducers, and action creators), and store
│   └── utils                # Helpers and utils