concentricsky / openbadges-caliper-profile

Caliper Metric Profiles for Open Badges Events
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Open Badges Events Caliper Metric Profiles

We propose creating a new Metric Profile to cover events related to Open Badges. Because of the distributed nature of the Open Badges ecosystem, a number of events that are critical to understanding how badges are related and how badges are being used are not naturally known to the relevant parties, including the Issuer. Common data reporting endpoints would make it possible to describe these events, process them, and share insights with relevant parties. The Actions described below are intended to cover a key set of these events that are often publicly knowable information that currently face this kind of discoverability hurdle.


Property Data Type Description Source
Assertion obi:Assertion
@id hosted IRI
badge BadgeClass obi:badge
BadgeClass obi:BadgeClass
@id hosted IRI
issuer Issuer obi:issuer
Issuer obi:Issuer
@id hosted IRI


Action IRI Description New
Defined Defined a new BadgeClass or Issuer Yes
Issued Awarded an instance of a BadgeClass to a recipient, perhaps accepting an application Yes
Demonstrated Recipient has met criteria for a BadgeClass and should be awarded a badge. Yes
Modified Modified or updated a previously defined badge object with new metadata No
Revoked Updated a previously awarded badge to mark it as revoked Yes
Deleted Marked a defined badge object as deleted No
Registered Registered a recipient profile with a backpack endpoint or issuer profile with issuer endpoint Yes
Verified Verified an Open Badge's authenticity and structural integrity Yes
Shared Triggered or authorized a share of a single badge, collection, or other document including badges No
Endorsed Issued an endorsement or annotation of an Issuer, BadgeClass, or Assertion that should be published Yes
Accessed A consumer accessed and/or viewed badge details about a single Badge record Yes
Accepted Inspected a badge or pathway with completion data and accepted it in exchange for some privilege, opportunity, access, or other benefit granted to the recipient. Yes
Applied User submits evidence to an issuer in hopes of earning a badge. Yes
Assigned Set a goal for a prospective recipient to complete Yes

Open Badges Event

Event Attribute Required Details Comments
actor Yes Ideally, the actor describes an entity that participates in the Open Badges Ecosystem as an issuer
action Yes
object Yes Generally a Badge Object (Assertion, BadgeClass or Issuer) or PathwayElement
generated No In the case of Accepted or Endorsed, the generated object may be a new Assertion
federatedSession No
edApp No
group No

Proposed Open Badges Extension

Additionally, an Issuer should be able to specify preferred Caliper endpoints for external inspectors of their badge objects to publish badge events back to, to ensure the Issuer knows about them.

Example implementation in a badge object:

  "ims:TBAcaliperApi": {
    "@context": "",
    "@id": "",
    "actions": ["Verified", "Shared", "Endorsed"]