concrete5cojp / git-Webhooks-Auto-Deploy-PHP-Script

PHP script to auto deploy your repo using GitHub's and Bitbucket's hook function.
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Git Webhooks Auto Deployment PHP Sample Script & Shell Script

This is a sample PHP & shell script to auto deploy PHP script using GitHub, Bitbucket and Backlog hook function.

Please read the comments inside of deployments.php for the option and how to set-it up.

This deployment script requires certain level of git and server knowledge.

This script is intended for single server use.

If you want to set-up multiple git deployment environments within a AWS Amazon Linux 2 Server. I've also added to automate setting it up within a min.

How to set up the git script deploy.php

How to set-up deploy.php.

1. Set up git

Prepare your git repo

2. Set-up server

It is highly recommended to prepare two different domain or subdomains within the same server. Set-up where you set git deployment script and public area where your actual git deployment.

You must make sure git deploy script is protected with basic auth and configured as SSL.

There is an option to setup tailwind CSS. You must install npm before running the script if you would like to use the option.

Obtain all necessary information such as server paths.

3. Git clone to the server

Regular way

Separate Git Directory and Work Directory (more secure)

Is is very secure way of place git repository outside of publicly visible www root.

3. Set your config & upload the file

4. Set-up a webhook and test drive

Your web hook URL will be like this. Set it up as webhook of GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab or whatever other git services which supports webhook.

https://[Basic Auth ID]:[Basic Auth Pass]

and enjoy the rest of auto deployment.

How to set-up & use

I initially made this script to set-up coding preview server. is alternative version modified for Backlog. I don't have readme ready. Please check the shell script to understand the variables.

Since Route53 requires a json file to set the domain, this shell script generates route53.json file.

How to use

Step 1: Assign necessary permission to git repo

Assign a necessary permission to your GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Backlog or any other git service. So that server's nginx user can properly git clone, git fetch from remote git repo.

Step 2: login to server and run a command

Login to the server via SSH, then run the following command.


(If you've changed the filename of shell script as I advised, you must change the command accordingly.)

$ Option Name Description Example
$1 [SUBDOMAIN] Set your desired subdomain subdomain
$2 [Git Clone URL] Enter URL to git clone
$3 [BRANCH NAME] Branch you want to check out initially master
$4 [BASIC AUTH USERNAME] You deside the Basic Auth ID username
$5 [BASIC AUTH PASSWORD] Generate password of Basic Auth password
$6 [DEPLOY KEY] Generate random key as additional security measure of deployment 1234567890abcdefABCDEF
$7 [NPM OPTION] Setup and run the tailwind build post-merge tailwind
$ sh subdomain master username 1234567890abcdefABCDEF tailwind

Step 3: Test URL & register it to your git webhook.

How to set-it up

STEP 1: Get your Route53 Zone ID

STEP 2: Create an IAM Role or IAM user

Create an IAM policy and place your zone ID under Resources. Assign to an new IAM role or IAM user.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

I've copied AmazonRoute53AutoNamingRegistrantAccess IAM policy and add Resource restriction to a particular hostedzone. If you want to tighten the security more. You may remove some allowed actions.

STEP 3: Launch an instance and assign IAM role or IAM user to an EC Instance

STEP 4: Setup your Amazon Linux 2 (CentOS)

STEP 5: Setup SSL Certificate & initial vhost template file

STEP 6: Setting up default deploy.php

* The Options
* Only 'directory' is required.
* @var array
$options = array(
    'directory'     => '/var/www/vhosts/', // Enter your server's git repo location
    'work_dir'      => '/var/www/vhosts/',  // Enter your server's work directory. If you don't separate git and work directories, please leave it empty or false.
    'log'           => '/var/log/gitdeploy/SUBDOMAIN.log', // relative or absolute path where you save log file. Set it to false without quotation mark if you don't need to save log file.
    'branch'        => 'master', // Indicate which branch you want to checkout
    'remote'        => 'origin', // Indicate which remote repo you want to fetch
    'date_format'   => 'Y-m-d H:i:sP',  // Indicate date format of your log file
    'syncSubmodule' => false, // If your repo has submodule, set it true. (haven't tested it if this actually works)
    'reset'         => true, // If you want to git reset --hard every time you deploy, please set it true
    'git_bin_path'  => 'git',

STEP 7: Place all necesary files onto main domain & set-up the main domain for webhook.

STEP 8: Setting up parameters of

That's it. Now you should be ready to go.

Version History

Date Version Release note
2020/4/24 4.1.0 - Tailwind CSS Build support added
- Route53 is now option if you leave AWS parameters blank and added a message
2020/4/22 4.0.1 Fix wiki output to show git branch properly
2020/3/13 4.0 - New shell script
The shell script to setup web root document, Nginx config and route53 record
- Changed deployments.php to deploy.php to simplify.
2019/8/7 3.0beta - Bug fixes
- new reset option
- new submodule option (not tested, so it's beta)
- Comments to describe more detail


Japanese Instruction / 日本語での設定方法

If you're Japanese, I've added the Japanese instructions in my blog

日本語での設定方法はこちらから (サーバーデプロイスクリプトの説明はまだ追加していません。)