confluentinc / ksql-images

KSQL platform docker images
Apache License 2.0
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Docker images for KSQL

This repo provides build files for KSQL Docker images.


Properties are inherited from a top-level POM. Properties may be overridden on the command line (, or in a subproject's POM.


This project uses maven-assembly-plugin and dockerfile-maven-plugin to build Docker images via Maven.

To build SNAPSHOT images, configure .m2/settings.xml for SNAPSHOT dependencies. These must be available at build time.

mvn clean package -Pdocker -DskipTests # Build local images


Usage of these images is subject to the license terms of the software contained within. Please refer to Confluent's Docker images documentation reference for further information. The software to extend and build the custom Docker images is available under the Apache 2.0 License.