congd123 / flink-s3-example

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Flink to S3

This example publishes records into S3 (Minio). This is using AvroParquetWriter to write the files into S3.


scala: 2.12

Apacha Flink: 1.10

Sbt: 1.2.8

How to execute

First is necessary to generate the artifact of the application to do that execute the command sbt assembly, after that you can can start the Flink Cluster.

To start the Flink Cluster run the following commands: 1) docker-compose build 2) docker-compose up -d

Now the cluster is up and running and you can access the Flink UI (http://localhost:8081/) to upload and start the Flink Job.

The generated data will be written in Minio (http://localhost:9000/minio user: minio, passwd: minio123).