conjecto / nemrod

Nemrod is a framework providing an abstraction layer for handling (consuming and producing) RDF in a Symfony2 project
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What is Nemrod?

Nemrod is a framework providing an abstraction layer for handling (consuming and producing) RDF in a Symfony2 project, in the same way Symfony users are using Doctrine. The framework provides five main components:

Nemrod mainly relies on

Demo project

A quick way to test Nemrod Abilities before installing it into your project is to try our demo project



Nemrod can be installed using composer :

composer require conjecto/nemrod easyrdf/easyrdf:@dev conjecto/json-ld:@dev

you can also add dependency directly in your composer.json file:

"conjecto/nemrod": "master"
"easyrdf/easyrdf": "@dev"
"conjecto/json-ld": "@dev"

Then you need to add one (or two) bundle(s) to the AppKernel.php:

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new Conjecto\Nemrod\Bundle\NemrodBundle\NemrodBundle(),
            new Conjecto\Nemrod\Bundle\ElasticaBundle\ElasticaBundle(),

The first bundle is the main framework bundle, the second should be enabled only if you wish to use an ElasticSearch server.

A little bit of configuration is necessary to let Nemrod know one thing or two about your environment:

    my_endpoint: ""
    another_endpoint: ""
  default_endpoint: my_endpoint
    rdfs: ""
    foaf: ""
    #add the namespaces you need
    mycompany: ""

At this point, Nemrod knows enough to access to your data. Use the 'rm' service's findAll() (which is an alias for 'nemrod.resource_manager.my_endpoint'):


use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;

class ProductsController extends Controller
     * @Route("/all/", name="product.index")
     * @Template("ProductsBundle:index.html.twig")
    public function indexAction()
        $products = $this->container->get('rm')->getRepository('mycompany:Product')->findAll();
        return array("products" => $products);

Alternatively, you can refine the set of data you want to get using the findBy() method:

     * @Route("/category/{category}", name="product.category")
     * @Template("ProductsBundle:index.html.twig")
    public function categoryAction($category)
        $products = $this->container->get('rm')
            ->findBy(array('mycompany:category' => $category));
        return array("products" => $products);

You can then display your data using twig:

    {% for product in products %}
        <li class="list-group-item">{{ product['rdfs:label'].value }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

Another possibility is to ask for a specific resource using its uri:

     * @Route("/view/{uri}", name="product.view")
     * @Template("ProductsBundle:view.html.twig")
    public function viewAction($uri)
        $product = $this->container->get('rm')
        return array("product" => $product);

You can also use the paramConverter to get the resource directly. In this example, the product variable is automatically instanciated.

     * @Route("/view/{uri}", name="product.view")
     * @ParamConverter("product", class="mycompany:Product")
     * @Template("ProductsBundle:view.html.twig")
    public function viewAction($product)
        return array("product" => $product);

If you need to encapsulate specific logic over your data, you can overload the default resource abstraction class. Overloading class must be defined in a RdfResource directory of your bundle directory:

+-- ProductBundle
|   +-- Controller
|   +-- DependencyInjection
|   +-- Resources
|   +-- RdfResource
|       +-- Product

and must extend Conjecto\Nemrod\Resource (which is the default abstraction class):


namespace MyCompany\ProductBundle\RdfResource;

use Conjecto\Nemrod\Resource as BaseResource;
use Conjecto\Nemrod\ResourceManager\Annotation\Resource;

 * Class Product
 * @Resource(types={"mycompany:Product"}, uriPattern = "mycompany:product:")
class Product extends BaseResource


the @Resource annotation allows to map your class and RDF types, so you can get an instance of this class when asking for object with the given types:

$product = $this->container->get('rm')->getRepository('mycompany:Product')->find($uri);

will fill $products with an array of MyCompany\ProductBundle\RdfResource\Product objects.

An URI pattern can also be provided with uriPattern. It will be used to set an URI for a new resource. For now, the specified pattern is just used as a prefix




The Nemrod framework is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license.