conorhastings / react-native-syntax-highlighter

a syntax highlighter for react native using under the hood
MIT License
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React Native Syntax Highlighter

Syntax highlighting component for React Native using react-syntax-highlighter

You can see a demo using snack by Expo

Alternatively you can scan this qr code in The Expo app to access on your phone:

With Highlight.js vdom

With Prism vdom

You can try it out with Expo here


npm install react-native-syntax-highlighter --save



Accepts all of the same props as react-syntax-highlighter with three additional props.

import SyntaxHighlighter from 'react-native-syntax-highlighter';
/*by default component uses hljs so access hljs styles, import from /prism for prism styles */
import { docco } from 'react-syntax-highlighter/styles/hljs';
const Component = () => {
  const codeString = '(num) => num + 1';
  return <SyntaxHighlighter 
    highlighter={"prism" || "hljs"}

Unsupported Props

Some of the react-syntax-highlighter props are not currently supported by the mobile version, you can see which listed below:

Styles Available -- hljs

Styles Available -- prism