conrad-blucher-institute / Flare

Flare is Front-End application developed by CBI AI2ES Operational Team. This service provides visualization for data retrieved from Grub, Semaphore Backend and Database.
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Flare is a student-built and maintained web application that visualizes data generated by Artificial Intelligence models. Flare helps stakeholders and researchers track model progress, assess performance, and gain valuable information from AI outputs.


To set up and run Flare in a Docker container:

  1. Set Up Environment Variables and Nginx:
    • Create a .env file in the project’s root directory. This file will contain environment variables needed by Docker.
    • Copy the contents from env.dist and update the values with your own variables.
    • Create a nginx.conf file in the project's root directory.
    • Copy and paste nginx.conf.template's contents into nginx.conf
    • Replace Port and ServerName with the correct variables.
  2. Ensure that Docker Desktop is running on your machine.
  3. Ensure you are using a Linux/WSL terminal.
  4. Start in the root directory: 'cd CDL-Broadcast'
  5. Run 'docker compose build' and 'docker compose up' (run 'docker compose up -d' to run in the background)
  6. If you make changes to the code make sure you 'docker compose down' and then repeat step 4.

Vue Development Setup(Frontend)

  1. Use nvm (Node Version Manager) to switch to the Node version specified in the frontend container.
  2. Change to the Vue app directory 'cd CDL-Broadcast/vue-ui'
  3. Run the development enviornment : 'npm run dev'
