:warning: This project is no longer mantained
yo contactlab
A set of generators based on Yeoman for Contactlab applications development workflow.
First install Yeoman globally
$ npm install -g yo
#--- or ---
$ yarn global add yo
then you can install the generator
$ npm install -g generator-contactlab
# --- or ---
$ yarn global add generator-contactlab
$ yo contactlab:element
Create a Polymer (v3) Web Component, with its owns:
extending PolymerElementproperties
object filemethods
unit test
starter$ yo contactlab:custom-element
Create a custom element following the Web Component v1 specification.
$ yo contactlab:application
Create the default folder structure for a Contactlab web app project, with build and transpilation (Webpack + Babel)
It will ask for:
Packages included:
Released under the Apache 2.0 license.