contactually / redux-capacitor

An easy-to-use and powerful caching REST API client for React.
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yarn add redux-capacitor



Read documentation on the wiki

Example application

For code snippets and example app structure: Demo Redux Capacitor

Other documentation



After cloning the repo, be sure to install the pre-commit hook:

yarn hook

Making Changes Locally

Developing locally is easy using yarn publish:local.

NOTE: Before starting, install yalc with npm i -g yalc.

To get started:

1) In this repo Publish this app locally using yarn publish:local 2) In your project repo Link the local version to your project using yalc add redux-capacitor 3) In this repo Whenever you make changes, run yarn publish:local to push the changes to your project.

For example:

# Be sure that yalc is installed globally! (npm i -g yalc)
# Step 1
$ pwd
# => ~/Projects/entities
$ yarn publish:local
# => redux-capacitor@0.4.0-efe9eda8 published in store.

# Step 2
$ cd ~/Projects/my-project
$ yalc add redux-capacitor
# => redux-capacitor@0.4.0-822024a8 locted ==> ~/Projects/my-project/node_modules/redux-capacitor

# Step 3
$ cd ~/Projects/entities
# make some changes...
$ yarn publish:local
# make some more changes...
$ yarn publish:local


The unit test suite runs with Jest. Run it with:

yarn test

Note: the test suite runs against the diff in the pre-commit hook.


Can only be published by the contactually npm user. Log in as this user, and then run:

yarn publish:npm


Originally written by @jcarbo and @apiv for @Contactually.

Iterative improvements and maintenance is continued by @apiv and the @Contactually team.