containerd / accelerated-container-image

A production-ready remote container image format (overlaybd) and snapshotter based on block-device.
Apache License 2.0
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obdconverted image fails to run for me #76

Closed shahzzzam closed 3 years ago

shahzzzam commented 3 years ago


I have been following the documentation to convert an OCI image to overlaybd friendly image based on

But I get the following error when trying to run it. Note that instead of localhost:5000/redis:6.2.1_obd, I use It probably shouldn't make any difference?

ctr run --net-host --snapshotter=overlaybd --rm -t demo
ctr: failed to prepare extraction snapshot "extract-164412284-SC8e sha256:23e0fe431efc04eba59e21e54ec38109f73b5b5df355234afca317c0b32f7b0e": failed to attach and mount for snapshot 33: failed to mount /dev/sdh to /var/lib/overlaybd/snapshots/33/block/mountpoint: read-only file system: unknown

What should I check? The output


root@agentpool1:/var/lib/waagent# ctr plugin ls | grep overlaybd
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1    overlaybd                -              ok

root@agentpool1:/var/lib/waagent# ctr snapshot --snapshotter overlaybd ls

root@agentpool1:/var/lib/waagent# ctr images ls
REF                                         TYPE                                                      DIGEST                                                                  SIZE     PLATFORMS                                                                                               LABELS           application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json      sha256:d448b24bc45ae177ba279d04ea53ec09421dd5bee66b887d3106e0d380d6cc6b 65.0 MiB linux/amd64                                                                                             - application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json sha256:08e282682a708eb7f51b473516be222fff0251cdee5ef8f99f4441a795c335b6 36.9 MiB linux/386,linux/amd64,linux/arm/v5,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64/v8,linux/mips64le,linux/ppc64le,linux/s390x -
liulanzheng commented 3 years ago

I did not reproduce this failure, you may try to push the converted image to registry and use rpull and then run a container, to see whether it works. If it does not work, please provide your containerd and os version.

shahzzzam commented 3 years ago

Btw, the suggested way to push would be ctr image push -u "<creds>"

I tried to push and rpull as per your suggestion and it fails again with the following error

ctr: failed to attach and mount for snapshot 40: failed to mount /dev/sdc to /var/lib/overlaybd/snapshots/40/block/mountpoint: read-only file system: unknown

When tried to run this image using k8s, I get the following error:

error="failed to create containerd task: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: \"\ ": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

It seems to me that the image that is converted is somehow corrupted.

Note that the same machine was successfully able to run the So for whatever reason, converting it fails for me. What do you suggest?

containerd: v1.4.1 ("") OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-1055-azure x86_64)

shahzzzam commented 3 years ago

I used a normal containerd v1.4.1 and even just used localhost:5000 example on your page.


I suspect there might be low level library incompatible with azure linux kernel? Error:

ctr run --net-host --snapshotter=overlaybd --rm -t localhost:5000/redis:6.2.1_obd demo
ctr: failed to prepare extraction snapshot "extract-802112965-hKE9 sha256:efaff7faaadccc90305dc329108266c0a01483d205e58798ef0413bcaa6f674a": failed to attach and mount for snapshot 10: failed to mount /dev/sde to /var/lib/overlaybd/snapshots/10/block/mountpoint: read-only file system: unknown

Command History: image

liulanzheng commented 3 years ago

i will try azure linux, it may take a little longer

shahzzzam commented 3 years ago

Did you get a chance to try. I used the following commands if you want to reproduce the issue!:

You can provision following VM in Azure: Operating system: Linux (ubuntu 20.04) Size :Standard D2ds_v4 (2 vcpus, 8 GiB memory)

Please note, you need to turn anonymous auth for your registry here due to the following auth issue:

You can do so by: using az

az acr update --name myregistry --anonymous-pull-enabled false
1  sudo apt update
2  sudo apt install -y pkg-config libgflags-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libaio-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libglib2.0-dev
3  sudo apt install -y make cmake g++ gcc
4  wget
5  tar -zxvf release-1.10.0.tar.gz
6  cd googletest-release-1.10.0/
7  cmake CMakeLists.txt
8  make
9  sudo make install
10  cd ..
11  git clone
12  cd overlaybd
13  mkdir build
14  cd build
16  make -j8
17  sudo make install
18  sudo systemctl enable /opt/overlaybd/overlaybd-tcmu.service
19  sudo systemctl start overlaybd-tcmu
20  cd ../..
21  curl -OL
22  sudo tar -C /usr/local/ -xvf go1.17.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
23  sudo echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> ~/.profile
24  source ~/.profile
25  moby_runc_package_url=
26  moby_runc_package_file="./moby-runc.deb"
27  curl -sSL $moby_runc_package_url -o $moby_runc_package_file
28  sudo dpkg --force-all -i $moby_runc_package_file
29  moby_containerd_package_url=
30  moby_containerd_package_file="./moby-containerd.deb"
31  curl -sSL $moby_containerd_package_url -o $moby_containerd_package_file
32  sudo dpkg --force-all -i $moby_containerd_package_file
33  cd accelerated-container-image
34  make
35  sudo mkdir /etc/overlaybd-snapshotter
36  sudo cat <<-EOF | sudo tee /etc/overlaybd-snapshotter/config.json
    "root": "/var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlaybd",
    "address": "/run/overlaybd-snapshotter/overlaybd.sock"

37  sudo mkdir /etc/containerd
38  sudo cat <<-EOF | sudo tee --append /etc/containerd/config.toml
    type = "snapshot"
    address = "/run/overlaybd-snapshotter/overlaybd.sock"

39  sudo bin/overlaybd-snapshotter

(from another terminal)

1  sudo ctr content fetch
2  sudo bin/ctr obdconv
3  sudo ctr image push -u "nonpe:<password>"
4  sudo ctr image rm
5  sudo bin/ctr rpull
6  sudo ctr run --net-host --snapshotter=overlaybd --rm -t demo
ctr: failed to attach and mount for snapshot 14: failed to mount /dev/sdc to /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlaybd/snapshots/14/block/mountpoint: read-only file system: unknown
liulanzheng commented 3 years ago

@shahzzzam Thank you, i have reproduced the problem. i'm trying to fix it.

liulanzheng commented 3 years ago

@shahzzzam It is caused by data unsync after calling umount in converting progress, which raised data loss. Errors can be found in dmesg. I tried to add a sync after umount, converting worked well without errors in dmesg. But this is not a general solution for umount should complete all pending writes. So it maybe a bug under specific environment. It also can be fixed by apt upgrade, I saw several packages are upgraded but i'm not sure which one fix it.

liulanzheng commented 3 years ago

@shahzzzam I saw my kernel was update from 5.8.0-1042-azure to 5.8.0-1043-azure during apt upgrade. I think the bug is fixed in new kernel.