containerd / accelerated-container-image

A production-ready remote container image format (overlaybd) and snapshotter based on block-device.
Apache License 2.0
409 stars 75 forks source link
container-images containerd containerd-snapshotter containers docker-image overlaybd remote-image

Accelerated Container Image


Accelerated Container Image is an open-source implementation of paper "DADI: Block-Level Image Service for Agile and Elastic Application Deployment. USENIX ATC'20".

DADI (Data Accelerator for Disaggregated Infrastructure) is a solution for container acceleration including remote image and other features which has been widely used in Alibaba and Alibaba Cloud. By now, it has been already integrated by Alibaba Cloud Registry (ACR), and Alibaba serverless services (FC FaaSNet. USENIX ATC'21 / SAE / ECI, etc) which enter the Forrester leader quadrant.

At the heart of the acceleration is overlaybd, which is a new remote image format based on block device. Overlaybd backstore provides a merged view of a sequence of block-based layers in userspace and outputs as a virtual blocks device through TCMU. It can be used for container acceleration by supporting fetching image data on-demand without downloading and unpacking the whole image before a container running. With overlaybd image format, we can cold start a container instantly.

The key features are:

Accelerated Container Image is a non-core sub-project of containerd.


Docker Image

The Dockerfile is supplied to build the image of the overlaybd convertor. You can build the docker image by yourself as follows:

docker build -f Dockerfile -t overlaybd-convertor .

Then run the overlaybd convertor image (see QUICKSTART for more details):

docker run overlaybd-convertor -r -i 6.2.1 -o 6.2.1_obd_new

Getting Started

Release Version Support

There will be an annotation in the manifest of the converted image to specify the format version, following is the overlaybd release version required by them.


With OCI image spec, an image layer blob is saved as a tarball on the registry, describing the changeset based on it's previous layer. However, tarball is not designed to be seekable and random access is not supported. Complete downloading of all blobs is always necessary before bringing up a container.

An overlaybd blob is a collection of modified data blocks under the filesystem and corresponding to the files added, modified or deleted by the layer. The overlaybd backstore is used to provide the merged view of layers and provides a virtual block device. Filesystem is mounted on top of the device and an overlaybd blob can be accessed randomly and supports on-demond reading natively.

image data flow

The raw data of block differences, together with an index to the raw data, constitute the overlaybd blob. When attaching and mounting an overlaybd device, only indexes of each layer are loaded from remote, and stored in memory. For data reading, overlaybd performs a range lookup in the index to find out where in the blob to read and then performs a remote fetching. That blob is in Zfile format.

Zfile is a new compression file format to support seekable decompression, which can reduce storage and transmission costs. And also the checksum information to protect against data corruptions for on-demand reading is stored in Zfile. In order to be compatible with existing registries and container engines, Zfile is wrapped by a tar file, which has only one Zfile inside.


Overlaybd connects with applications through a filesystem mounted on an virtual block device. Overlaybd is agnostic to the choice of filesystem so users can select one that best fits their needs. I/O requests go from applications to a regular filesystem such as ext4. From there they go to the loopback device (through TCM_loopback) and then to the user space overlaybd backstore (through TCMU). Backend read operations are always on layer files. Some of the layer files may have already been downloaded, so these reads would hit local filesystem. Other reads will be directed to registry, or hit the registry cache. Write and trim operations are handled by overlaybd backstore which writes the data and index files of the writable layer to the local file system. For more details, see the paper.


For async communication and long running discussions please use issues and pull requests on the github repo. This will be the best place to discuss design and implementation.

For sync communication catch us in the #overlaybd slack channels on Cloud Native Computing Foundation's (CNCF) slack - Everyone is welcome to join and chat. Get Invite to CNCF slack.


Accelerated Container Image is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.