containerpope / nifi-prometheus-reporter

A reporting task in Nifi which is capable of sending monitoring statistics as prometheus metrics to a prometheus pushgateway.
Apache License 2.0
52 stars 32 forks source link
apache-nifi grafana grafana-dashboard nifi nifi-reportingtask prometheus

Nifi Prometheus Reporter Build Status

A reporting task in Nifi which is capable of sending monitoring statistics as prometheus metrics to a prometheus pushgateway. After this, the Prometheus server scrapes the metrics from the pushgateway.

Getting Started

For setting up the requirements there is a docker-compose file in docker/prometheus, that sets up the Pushgateway, the Prometheus server and a Grafana server. After starting the docker containers nifi needs to be downloaded and the ReportingTask has to be copied into the lib directory.

To setup the test environment have docker-compose and docker installed: see link

docker-compose up -d

This will bootstrap:

A sample dashboard can be found here: Sample Dashboard

After setting up a simple flow and the ReportingTask, the flow can be started and the results should be visible in the Grafana dashboard.


See the docs for more details:

  1. Configuration


To test or use the PrometheusReportingTask the following systems should be setup and running.

The tools can be setup with Docker or manually.

Install to running Nifi instance

First download the current release and then copy the nar file into your Nifi lib folder. (Most times under /opt/nifi//lib)

After this, just restart Nifi.


The Reporting Task can't send custom metrics from processors to the Pushgateway. If you want something like this, you have to setup your own processor, that can read FlowFiles, generate custom metrics and send them to a Pushgateway. Because this is such a custom thing, it can't be done with this Reporting Task and it is also not the scope of this project.

Build it yourself

The project can be build with maven as the standard fashion of building nifi-processor-bundles. Following snippet shows the entire setup with pre-installed Nifi:

# Clone project
git clone
# Move into cloned dir
cd nifi-prometheus-reporter

# Build project
mvn clean install

The previously built .nar archive has to be copied into the nifi/lib directory and can be used after a restart of nifi.

# Copy .nar into Nifi's lib folder
cp nifi-prometheus-nar/target/nifi-prometheus-nar-1.9.2.nar NIFI_HOME/lib/nifi-prometheus-nar-1.9.2.nar

# Start nifi
NIFI_HOME/bin/ start
# Or restart if already running
NIFI_HOME/bin/ restart

## Authors

* **Matthias Jörg** - *Initial work* - [mkjoerg](
* **Daniel Seifert** - *Initial work* - [Daniel-Seifert](