containers / automation_images

Apache License 2.0
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This repository holds the configuration for automation-related VM and container images. CI/CD automation in this repo. revolves around producing new images. It does only very minimal testing of image suitability for use by other containers org. repos.


  1. Thanks!

  2. This repo. follows the fork & pull model When ready for review, somebody besides the author must click the green Review changes button within the PR.

  3. Please create new pull-requests as drafts and/or mark them with a WIP: title-prefix while you're working on them.

  4. Strict-merging is enabled, therefore all pull requests must be kept up to date with the base branch (i.e. re-based).

Automation-control Magic strings

Not all changes require building and testing every container and VM image. For example, changes that only affect documentation. When this is the case, pull-requests may include one of the following magic strings in their title text:

Additionally, you may use one/more PR labels to disable certain builds.

Building VM Images

Process Overview

There are four parts to the automated (and manual) process. For the vast majority of cases, you will likely only be interested in the forth (final) step. However, all steps are listed below for completeness.

For more information on the overall process of importing custom GCE VM Images, please refer to the documentation. For references to the latest pre-build AWS EC2 Fedora AMI's see the upstream cloud page. For more information on the primary tool (packer) used for this process, please see it's documentation page.

  1. Build and import a VM image with necessary packages and metadata for running nested VMs. For details on why this step is necessary, please refer to the documentation.

  2. Two types of container images are built. The first set includes both current and "prior" flavor of Fedora. The second set is of tooling container images. Tooling required for VM image maintenance, artifact uploads, and debugging.

  3. Boot a GCE VM running the image-builder-image (from step 1). Use this VM to build and then import base-level VM image for supported platforms (Fedora or Debian; as of this writing). For GCE use, convert the generic distribution provided QCOW files, into bootable GCE VMs. For AWS, boot the pre-build AMI's, add minimal tooling, and save them as private, non-expiring AMIs. In parallel, build Fedora and Debian container images and push them to<name>_podman

  4. Boot VMs from each image produced in step 3. Execute the necessary scripts to customize images for use by various containers-project automation. Mainly this involves installing build & test dependencies, but also includes some kernel and systemd services configuration.

Bypassing certain builds

With a large number of VM and Container images to build, it's inevitable that a flake will occur on an image the author does not care about. For example, if you're building images only to update Buildah CI, you don't care to produce the fedora-netavark VM image nor the skopeo_cidev container image.

Should a flake occur on an build that's inconsequential to a specific CI environment, there is a mechanism to bypass certain builds.

Note: This will not bypass container tooling images (they're always required). Nor will it properly handle any build dependencies. For example skipping a fedora build will cause a failure in build-push(since it depends on the fedora base image).

To bypass a specific build, find a no_<name> GitHub label matching the build name. Add that label to the PR and re-push or re-run a previously failed build. It will then skip + automatically succeed. Similarly, if you make a mistake with the labels, you can remove or change them and re-run any affected tasks.

The last part first (overview step 4)

a.k.a. Cache Images

These are the VM Images actually used by other repositories for automated testing. So, assuming you just need to update packages or tweak the list, start here. Though be aware, this repository does not perform much/any testing of the images. That's your secondary responsibility, see step 4 below.



  1. Whether or not you made any script changes, before pushing to a PR run make IMG_SFX and commit the change. This helps avoid overwriting existing images - potentially already in use by CI. The 'validate' CI task will asserts every PR makes changes to this file.

  2. The name of all output images will share a common IMG_SFX value Assuming a successful image-build, a github-action will post the types and names of all built images as a comment in the PR. If this automation breaks, you may need to figure the ID out the hard way. For AWS EC2 images, every one will have a unique AMI ID assigned. You'll need to look these up separately until the github action is fixed.

  3. Go over to whatever other containers/repository needed the image update. Open the .cirrus.yml file, and find the 'env' line referencing the image ID and/or AMI. It will likely be named IMAGE_SUFFIX: or something similar. Paste in the image ID (it should begin with the letter c).

  4. Open up a PR with this change, and push it. Once all tests pass and you're satisfied with the image changes, ask somebody to review/approve both PRs for merging. If you're feeling generous, perhaps provide cross-links between the two PRs in comments, for future reference.

  5. After all the PRs are merged, you're done.

Looking up an image ID:

A image ID is simply the IMG_SFX value prefixed by a letter. The letter b represents base-images, and 'c' represents cache-images. You may need to look the value up if (for example), the automated comment posting github-action failed.

  1. In any PR, find and click the details link for one of the build tasks. Near the top of the Cirrus-CI WebUI, will be a section labeled 'Artifacts'.

  2. Click the manifest artifact.

  3. Click the nested folder name (if there is one).

  4. Click the manifest.json file, it should open in your browser window.

  5. For GCE images look at the artifact_id field. It will contain the full image id value in the form c<IMG_SFX>.

  6. For AWS EC2 images look under the custom_data field for the IMG_SFX value. If this was a base-image, simply prefix the value with a b, or a c for a cache-image.

The image-builder image (overview step 1)

Google compute engine (GCE) does not provide a wide selection of ready-made VM images for use. Instead, a lengthy and sophisticated process is involved to prepare, properly format, and import external VM images for use. In order to perform these steps within automation, a dedicated VM image is needed which itself has been prepared with the necessary incantations, packages, configuration, and magic license keys.

The Fedora project does provide AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) images for all supported releases (the two most recent ones). These are ready to go, but have depreciation times set on them. This is no good for direct use, as the image may get deleted if not used frequently enough. So copies must be made.

For normal day-to-day use, this process should not need to be modified or maintained much. However, on the off-chance that's ever not true, here is an overview of the process followed by automation to produce the image-building VM image:

  1. Build the container defined in the ci subdirectory's ContainerFile. Start this container with a copy of the current repository code provided in the $CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR directory. For example on a Fedora host:

    podman run -it --rm --security-opt label=disable -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD ci_image
  2. From within the ci container (above), in the repository root volume, execute the make image_builder target.

  3. The image_builder/gce.yml file is converted into JSON format for consumption by the Hashicorp packer utility. This generated file may be ignored, make will be regenerate it upon any changes to the YAML file.

  4. Packer will spin up a GCE VM based on CentOS Stream. It will then install the necessary packages and attach a nested-virtualization "license" to the VM. Be patient until this process completes.

  5. Near the end of the process, packer deletes temporary files, ssh host keys, etc. and then shut down the GCE VM.

  6. Packer should then automatically call into the google cloud APIs and coordinate conversion of the VM disk into a bootable image. Please be patient for this process to complete, it may take several minutes.

  7. When finished, packer will write the freshly created image name and other metadata details into the local image_builder/manifest.json file for reference and future use. The details may be useful for debugging, or the file can be ignored/disregarded.

  8. Automation scoops up the manifest.json file and archives it along with the build logs.

Container images (overview step 2)


Several instances of the image-builder VM are used to create container images. In particular, Fedora and Debian images are created that more-or-less duplicate the setup of the VM Cache-images. They are then automatically pushed to:

The meaning of prior and current, is defined by the contents of the *_RELEASE values in the Makefile. The images will be tagged with the value within the IMG_SFX file. Additionally, the most recently merged PR on this repo will tag its images latest.


In addition to the "podman" container images, several automation tooling images are also built. These are always referenced by downstream using their "latest" tag (unlike the podman and VM images). In addition to the VM lifecycle tooling images, the following are built:

In all cases, when automation runs on a branch (i.e. after a PR is merged) the actual image tagged latest will be pushed. When running in a PR, only validation and test images are produced.

The Base Images (overview step 3)

VM Images in GCE depend upon certain google-specific systemd-services to be running on boot. Additionally, in order to import external OS images, google needs a specific partition and archive file layout. Lastly, importing images must be done indirectly, through Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

VM images in AWS EC2 are basically ready-to go as-is. Only a copy needs to be made to remove the depreciation metadata and install some basic automation tooling libraries used by nearly all downstream automation.

As with the image-builder image, this process is mainly orchestrated by Packer:

  1. A GCE VM is booted from the image-builder image, produced in overview step 1.

  2. On the image-builder VM, the (upstream) generic-cloud images for each distribution are downloaded and verified. This is very networking-intense.

  3. For GCE, the image-builder VM then boots (nested) KVM VMs for the downloaded images. These local VMs are then updated, installed, and prepared with the necessary packages and services as described above. This is very disk and CPU intense.

  4. For AWS, the pre-built Fedora project AMI's are simply booted in EC2.

  5. All the automation-deities pray with us, that the nested VMs setup correctly and completely. Debugging them can be incredibly difficult and painful.

  6. Packer (running on the image-builder VM), shuts down the VMs, and performs the import/conversion process. Creating compressed tarballs, uploading to GCS, then importing into GCP VM images. AWS EC2 instances are snapshotted, and an AMI is created from the snapshot.

  7. Packer deletes the VM, and writes the freshly created image name and other metadata details into a image_builder/manifest.json file for reference.

  8. Automation scoops up the manifest.json file and archives it along with the build logs.

VM Image lifecycle management

There is no built-in mechanism for removing disused VM images. In GCE, there isn't any built-in tracking information, recording which VM images are currently being used by one or more containers-repository automation. In AWS 'Last launched' metadata is recorded automatically. Three containers and two asynchronous processes are responsible for tracking and preventing infinite-growth of the VM image count.

Debugging / Locally driving VM Image production

Much of the CI and image-build process is containerized, so it may be debugged locally on your laptop/workstation. However, this process will still involve interfacing with GCE and AWS. Therefore, you must be in possession of a Google Application Credentials (GAC) JSON and AWS credentials INI file.

The GAC JSON file should represent a service account (contrasted to a user account, which always uses OAuth2). The name of the service account doesn't matter, but it must have the following roles granted to it:

The service account for AWS may be personal or a shared account. It must have one the following (custom) IAM policies enabled:

Somebody familiar with Google and AWS IAM will need to provide you with the credential files and ensure correct account configuration. Having these files stored in your home directory on your laptop/workstation, the process of building and entering the debug containers is as follows:

  1. Ensure you have podman installed, and lots of available network and CPU resources (i.e. turn off YouTube, shut down background VMs and other hungry tasks).

  2. Build and enter either the ci_debug or the image_builder_debug container image, by executing:

    make <ci_debug|image_builder_debug> \
        GAC_FILEPATH=</home/path/to/gac.json> \
    • The ci_debug image is significantly smaller, and only intended for rudimentary cases, for example running the scripts under the ci subdirectory.
    • The image_builder_debug image is larger, and has KVM virtualization enabled. It's needed for more extensive debugging of the packer-based image builds.
  3. Both containers will place you in the default shell, inside a volume-mount of the repository root. This environment is practically identical to what is used in Cirrus-CI.

  4. For the image_builder_debug container, If you wish to build only a subset of available images, list the names you want as comma-separated values of the PACKER_BUILDS variable. Be sure you export this variable so that make has access to it. For example, export PACKER_BUILDS=debian,prior-fedora.

  5. Still within the container, again ensure you have plenty of network and CPU resources available. Build the VM Base images by executing the command make base_images. This is the equivalent operation as documented by overview step 2. N/B The GCS -> GCE image conversion can take some time, be patient. Packer may not produce any output for several minutes while the conversion is happening.

  6. When successful, the names of the produced images will all be referenced in the base_images/manifest.json file. If there are problems, fix them and remove the manifest.json file. Then re-run the same make command as before, packer will force-overwrite any broken/partially created images automatically.

  7. Produce the VM Cache Images, equivalent to the operations outlined in overview step 3. Execute the following command (still within the debug image-builder container): make cache_images.

  8. Again when successful, you will find the image names are written into the cache_images/manifest.json file. If there is a problem, remove this file, fix the problem, and re-run the make command. No cleanup is necessary, leftover/disused images will be automatically cleaned up eventually.