containers / podman-desktop-e2e

Podman desktop e2e tests
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 7 forks source link


This project define a set of e2e tests around podman desktop, this is a complementary set of e2e tests for those user stories which requires interaction beyond the podman desktop app itself with some third party apps (i.e installers from extensions).


This project is intended for running without any extra dependecy, tests are self contained into a binary wich then will be run on a target host where podman dektop should be accessible.

To accomplish this dependent-less runtime the project uses goax which uses OS native accessibility APIs to interact with UX elements (not only the ones from podman desktop but any other UX element rendered by the OS).


Currently the main two target OSs for the projects are Windows and MacOS: windows binary can be built on any platform, for building MacOS binary we need to build the binary on a MacOS machine (to ensure compatibilty it is recommended to build it on MacOS 12 Monterrey).

Following commands will build the binary (windows arm64 not supported):

# Build for mac amd64 (This need to be run on a MacOS)
ARCH=amd64 make build-darwin
# Binary will be located at

# Build for mac arm64 (This need to be run on a MacOS)
ARCH=arm64 make build-darwin
# Binary will be located at

# Build for windows amd64 
ARCH=amd64 make build-windows
# Binary will be located at


The binary can be executed localy on the target hosts, it requires some parameters (on Windows):

Following command will run the tests on a windows host:

pd-e2e.exe --pdPath /Users/rhqp/pd.exe --user-password MyPassword --junit-filename pd-e2e.xml 

Also the project is intended to be executed from a CI/CD system, here is a full explanation on how to use it.


The project is intended as an isolated project where e2e scenario can be defined and they would be implemented by interacting within the podman desktop application through goax.

Here are some guidelines on how current suite of tests are defined and how this can be extended to cover more functionality from podman desktop.