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Rancher masterclass traefik dashboard not coming online #24

Open mhemeryck opened 4 years ago

mhemeryck commented 4 years ago

Hi, thx for the great video and the demo on traefik + k3s on !

I did have some issues replicating the setup as you did in the video. I hope it's OK to reach out to you via this way. FYI: I was running the examples also in k3d (linux host system)

  1. webapp: for the deployments, apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 does not seem supported anymore, had to replace them by apiVersion: apps/v1 + also add a selector on the spec section. Afterwards, I could run the webapp just fine as you showed
  2. traefik dashboard: I could apply the updated dashboard as you described and I also did remove the running traefik pod in order for the updated configmap to work. However, the pod never reaches a healthy state. Any clue here?

I'm still very new to kubernetes / k3s / traefik (have some experience with docker / docker-compose), so for once I was very happy to see an actual hands-on talk where I could easily get things running!

SantoDE commented 4 years ago

Hey there!

for 1) yes, that now needs to be done. At the time of the recording, that was an issue ;)

for 2) Do you have some logs? :) It should be fine I guess?

mhemeryck commented 4 years ago

Thx for your fast feedback!

  1. webapp was all OK -- I guess this was just something that changed in the upstream k8s API
  2. traefik dashboard:

The traefik pod keeps on crashing after applying the updated dashboard config:

~/Projects/slides/demo(rancher-masterclass ✗) kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
NAME                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
metrics-server-6d684c7b5-pkkmj            1/1     Running            0          7m6s
local-path-provisioner-58fb86bdfd-r25wq   1/1     Running            0          7m6s
coredns-d798c9dd-nbcnf                    1/1     Running            0          7m6s
helm-install-traefik-l8jvk                0/1     Completed          2          7m7s
svclb-traefik-7b6vj                       2/2     Running            0          6m36s
svclb-traefik-dmw9c                       2/2     Running            0          6m36s
svclb-traefik-dashboard-sfbdk             1/1     Running            0          5m29s
svclb-traefik-dashboard-2x7q5             1/1     Running            0          5m29s
traefik-6787cddb4b-vlhxm                  0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   5          4m24s

output for services:

~/Projects/slides/demo(rancher-masterclass ✗) kubectl get svc --namespace kube-system        
NAME                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
kube-dns             ClusterIP      <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP       12m
metrics-server       ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP                      12m
traefik-prometheus   ClusterIP       <none>        9100/TCP                     12m
traefik              LoadBalancer    80:32033/TCP,443:31187/TCP   12m
traefik-dashboard    LoadBalancer    8080:30072/TCP               11m

log for pod

~/Projects/slides/demo(rancher-masterclass ✗) kubectl logs -n kube-system traefik-6787cddb4b-vlhxm
{"level":"info","msg":"Using TOML configuration file /config/traefik.toml","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"No tls.defaultCertificate given for https: using the first item in tls.certificates as a fallback.","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Traefik version v1.7.19 built on 2019-10-28_02:07:32PM","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"\nStats collection is disabled.\nHelp us improve Traefik by turning this feature on :)\nMore details on:\n","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Preparing server http \u0026{Address::80 TLS:\u003cnil\u003e Redirect:\u003cnil\u003e Auth:\u003cnil\u003e WhitelistSourceRange:[] WhiteList:\u003cnil\u003e Compress:true ProxyProtocol:\u003cnil\u003e ForwardedHeaders:0xc0008c4300} with readTimeout=0s writeTimeout=0s idleTimeout=3m0s","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Preparing server https \u0026{Address::443 TLS:0xc0004d01b0 Redirect:\u003cnil\u003e Auth:\u003cnil\u003e WhitelistSourceRange:[] WhiteList:\u003cnil\u003e Compress:true ProxyProtocol:\u003cnil\u003e ForwardedHeaders:0xc0008c4320} with readTimeout=0s writeTimeout=0s idleTimeout=3m0s","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting server on :80","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Preparing server traefik \u0026{Address::8080 TLS:\u003cnil\u003e Redirect:\u003cnil\u003e Auth:\u003cnil\u003e WhitelistSourceRange:[] WhiteList:\u003cnil\u003e Compress:false ProxyProtocol:\u003cnil\u003e ForwardedHeaders:0xc0008c4360} with readTimeout=0s writeTimeout=0s idleTimeout=3m0s","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting server on :443","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting server on :8080","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting provider configuration.ProviderAggregator {}","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting provider *kubernetes.Provider {\"Watch\":true,\"Filename\":\"\",\"Constraints\":[],\"Trace\":false,\"TemplateVersion\":0,\"DebugLogGeneratedTemplate\":false,\"Endpoint\":\"\",\"Token\":\"\",\"CertAuthFilePath\":\"\",\"DisablePassHostHeaders\":false,\"EnablePassTLSCert\":false,\"Namespaces\":null,\"LabelSelector\":\"\",\"IngressClass\":\"\",\"IngressEndpoint\":{\"IP\":\"\",\"Hostname\":\"\",\"PublishedService\":\"kube-system/traefik\"},\"ThrottleDuration\":0}","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"ingress label selector is: \"\"","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Creating in-cluster Provider client","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Server configuration reloaded on :443","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Server configuration reloaded on :8080","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Server configuration reloaded on :80","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:15Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"I have to go...","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:52Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Stopping server gracefully","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:52Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Server stopped","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:52Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Shutting down","time":"2020-02-07T12:17:52Z"}

I'm guessing it's some kind of (noobie) TLS issue?