containous / slides

Our collection of slide decks
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= Containous Slides

== How-to Work with this?

=== Requirements

== Generate the slides


make build

** Open the resulting file ./dist/index.html

=== Working on the slides with Live-reloading

Clone the repository Run the following make command:


make serve

Open the URL link:http://localhost:8000 Edit one of the *.adoc file, save it, and see the page reload *** it is valid for images and styles also

=== Run checks on the generated HTML

You can validate the HTTP links and the HTML's w3c compliance of the generated slide deck.

If you already generated the file ./dist/index.html, then run the following make command:


make verify

Otherwise, you can run the all command ,as the CI process is doing:


make all

=== Maintenance tasks inside the container

If you want to get a shell inside the "build and serve" container, run the following make command:


make shell

==== Example: updating the package.json (and lock) depencies


make shell /app # ncu -u ...