contentful / contentful-merge

CLI to merge entries between environments
MIT License
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Contentful Merge

Introduction | Features | Installation | Usage | Commands | Data structure | FAQ | Feedback | Code of Conduct | License

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Contentful provides content infrastructure for digital teams to power websites, apps, and devices. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enables developers and content creators to ship their products faster.

Contentful Merge

The contentful-merge CLI tool allows you to compare and merge entries across environments in a Contentful space. It can be used to create a changeset of all entry differences between two environments, and to apply this changeset to another environment, thereby effectively syncing the content of two environments.



Takes a space id and two environment ids and creates a changeset which details all entry differences between the two environments.

:bulb: Want to merge content types instead of entries? :bulb: We got you covered: Take a look at the Merge App to your space, or, if you prefer the command line, check out the Merge CLI.


Prerequisite: node v18

npm install -g contentful-merge


$ npm install -g contentful-merge
$ contentful-merge COMMAND
running command...
$ contentful-merge (--version)
contentful-merge/0.0.0 darwin-arm64 node-v20.2.0
$ contentful-merge --help [COMMAND]
  $ contentful-merge COMMAND


contentful-merge create

Create Entries Changeset

  $ contentful-merge create --space <value> --source <value> --target <value> --cda-token <value> [--request-batch-size <value>] [--output-file <value>] [--query-entries <value>] [--allowed-operations <value>]

  --cda-token=<value>           (required) CDA token, defaults to env: $CDA_TOKEN
  --host=<value>                [default:] Contentful API host
  --query-entries=<value>       Query parameters for entries based on CDA. You can pass multiple query-entries flags.
  --allowed-operations=<value>  [default: add,delete,update] Allowed operations for changeset. You can pass multiple allowed-operations flags.
  --output-file=<value>         File path to changeset file
  --request-batch-size=<value>  [default: 1000] Limit for every single request
  --source=<value>              (required) Source environment id
  --space=<value>               (required) Space id
  --target=<value>              (required) Target environment id

  Create Entries Changeset

  $ contentful-merge create --space "<space id>" --source "<source environment id>" --target "<target environment id>" --cda-token <cda token> --output-file <output file path> --query-entries "content_type=<content_type_id>" --query-entries "<entry_id>" --allowed-operations=add --allowed-operations=delete

contentful-merge apply

Apply Changeset

  $ contentful-merge apply --space <value> --environment <value> --cma-token <value> [--file <value>] [--yes]

  --cma-token=<value>    (required) CMA token, defaults to env: $CMA_TOKEN
  --host=<value>                [default:] Contentful API host
  --environment=<value>  (required) Target environment id
  --file=<value>         (required) File path to changeset file
  --space=<value>        (required) Space id
  --yes                  Skips any confirmation before applying the changeset

  Apply Changeset

  $ contentful-merge apply  --space "<space-id>" --environment "staging" --file changeset.json

  $ contentful-merge apply  --space "<space-id>" --environment "staging" --file changeset.json --yes

contentful-merge help [COMMANDS]

Display help for contentful-merge.

Contentful CLI to diff and merge entries across environments

  contentful-merge/0.0.0 darwin-arm64 node-v18.14.0

  $ contentful-merge [COMMAND]

  apply   Apply Changeset
  create  Create Entries Changeset
  help    Display help for contentful-merge.

Data structure

The created changeset will be saved in JSON format in a file specified with the output-file flag or if the flag is not provided in a file called changeset-[DATE]-[SPACE]-[SOURCE]-[TARGET].json. It has the following basic structure:

  "sys": {
    "type": "Changeset",
    "createdAt": "<date of changeset creation>",
    "space": {
      "sys": {
        "id": "<space id>",
        "linkType": "Space",
        "type": "Link"
    "source": {
      "sys": {
        "id": "<source environment id>",
        "linkType": "Environment",
        "type": "Link"
    "target": {
      "sys": {
        "id": "<target environment id>",
        "linkType": "Environment",
        "type": "Link"
  "items": [
    // <individual changeset items, see below>

The actual changes are in the items array. They have the following structure:

// delete
  "changeType": "delete",
  "entity": {
    "sys": {
      "type": "Link",
      "linkType": "Entry",
      "id": "5mgMoU9aCWE88SIqSIMGYE"

// add
  "changeType": "add",
  "entity": {
    "sys": {
      "type": "Link",
      "linkType": "Entry",
      "id": "5mgMoU9aCWE88SIqSIMGYE"
  "data": {
    // <payload of added entry>

// update
  "changeType": "update",
  "entity": {
    "sys": {
      "type": "Link",
      "linkType": "Entry",
      "id": "5mgMoU9aCWE88SIqSIMGYE"
  "patch": [
    // <individual patch operations for each change>

There are three different change types: add, update, delete.

If you want to see the data structure in practice, run the create command and have a look at the generated changeset.json file, or look at the type definitions.


At the moment we have a limit amount of entries that can be in the generated changeset

Change Type Limit
Add 10 000
Delete 10 000
Update 10 000
Total 10 000

For apply command one can merge at most 10 000 changes at once.

Further limitations:


I have access to the environments I provided, yet the CLI responds with a 404, what could be wrong?

Make sure your CDA token has access to both environments, otherwise the CDA may respond with a 404.

I have made draft changes in my environment, but I don't see those in the changeset.

As the CDA is used to fetch and compare entries, only published changes will be taken into account. Draft changes are not available via the CDA.


Want to report bugs, give feedback, request features?

Code of Conduct

We want to provide a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free space and experience for all participants, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, body size, ethnicity, nationality, level of experience, age, religion (or lack thereof), or other identity markers. Read our full Code of Conduct here.


This project is licensed under MIT license.