contentful / marketplace-partner-apps

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Marketplace Partner Apps

This repository contains the source code for partner apps on the marketplace and helpful resources to build your own apps for Contentful.

Installing an app

Head over to the marketplace and follow the installation flow to set up any of the apps in your Contentful space.

Adding and maintaining your app in this repo

The Marketplace Partner Apps repo is maintained as a single repository for apps, containing several ecosystem partner apps + the tools needed to build and maintain them. The apps folder contains each partner app, and each sub-folder within apps should contain all the code necessary to build, test, and deploy your app without references to other apps or folders.

First time setup

The marketplace-partner-apps repo uses Circle CI (configured in .circleci/config.yml) to deploy itself, and Lerna (configured in lerna.json) to manage the collection of partner apps.

When a PR is opened that introduces a new app, a GitHub action runs to do some extra validation to ensure that the PR is ready for Contentful review. Specifically, here are some criteria it checks for:

After a new app is introduced

After a new app has been introduced into the repo, the Contentful team will make a couple of updates:

Committing and updating your repo

When you are ready to submit your app to the marketplace apps repo, clone the repo locally, create a new branch with a name that follows Conventional Commits standards (see below) for the app/changes you are introducing, and create a pull-request against the main branch. A Contentful team member will review your PR soon and let you know if any changes or clarifications are needed. To ensure the fastest approval time on your PR, make sure you:

Keeping dependencies up to date

It is the responsibility of all partner app developers to ensure their app is kept up to date with the latest versions of all dependencies required by their app. This is required not only to ensure their app continues to function as expected alongside the constantly evolving Contentful platform, but also to ensure that critical security updates are applied in a timely fashion and are not slowed down by out of date cross dependencies.

To keep dependencies up to date, Contentful uses Dependabot in this repository. Dependabot will:

[!TIP] We recommend specifying bare versions (e.g. 1.2.3) of dependencies in your package.json file vs. a range of versions (e.g. 1.2.x or ~1.2.3). Dependabot will increment versions in your package.json file automatically.

As an app developer, it is important to review and approve any dependency update PRs assigned to you on a frequent basis. Specifically we ask that you:

Building your own app

The best way to get started on app development is with our create-contentful-app CLI tool. This tool will bootstrap a brand new project with all the boilerplate code you need to start building an app. If you are interested in learning how to build a simple example app, you can check out our tutorial.

Detailed documentation can be found in the App SDK documentation and the Management HTTP API reference documentation.

Please note that each app has its individual source code license associated with it. Refer to the LICENSE file in the apps root folder.


Support and feature requests

If you require support, or want to request a new feature then please use the appropriate support channel which will be listed with the app on our app marketplace.