contributte / webapp-skeleton

🎁 Web application project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x.
MIT License
92 stars 19 forks source link
api apitte contributte nette-framework nettrine project skeleton web

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Main goal is to provide best prepared starter-kit project for Nette developers.

Focused on:



To install latest version of contributte/webapp-skeleton use Composer.

composer create-project -s dev contributte/webapp-skeleton acme

Install using docker

1) At first, use composer to install this project.

   composer create-project -s dev contributte/webapp-skeleton

2) After that, you have to setup Postgres >= 10 database. You can start it manually or use docker image dockette/postgres:12.

   docker run -it -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=webapp -e POSTGRES_USER=webapp dockette/postgres:12

Or use make task, make docker-postgres.

3) Custom configuration file is located at config/local.neon. Edit it if you want.

Default configuration should look like:

   # Host Config
       # Database
           host: localhost
           dbname: webapp
           user: webapp
           password: webapp

4) Ok database is now running and application is configured to connect to it. Let's create initial data.

Run NETTE_DEBUG=1 bin/console migrations:migrate to create tables. Run NETTE_DEBUG=1 bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append to create first user(s).

Or via task make build.

5) Start your devstack or use PHP local development server.

You can start PHP server by running php -S localhost:8000 -t www or use prepared make task make dev.

6) Open http://localhost and enjoy!

Take a look at:

Install using docker-compose

1) At first, use composer to install this project.

   composer create-project -s dev contributte/webapp-project

2) Modify config/local.neon and set host to database

Default configuration should look like this:

   # Host Config
       # Database
           host: database
           dbname: webapp
           user: webapp
           password: webapp

3) Run docker-compose up

4) Open http://localhost and enjoy!

Take a look at:


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Notable changes

Composer packages

Take a detailed look :eyes: at each single package.



Screenshots / admin


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This package is currently maintaining by these authors.

Consider to support contributte development team. Also thank you for using this project.