conusio / conus

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To start a web server for the application, run:

lein repl

then from the repl, run


setting up fixture data

TODO make this better. in user.clj there are examples of example data. to hand-insert, you'd call (db/save-thing! thing-map) and (db/save-user! user-map). But it's easier to upload pictures through localhost:3000/user/hedonist , so you should just do that.

when you get db errors (like "table doesn't exist") try deleting the dev db in $proj_root

deploying to production

cd ~/conus
git checkout master
git pull
lein uberjar
sudo -E java -cp target/uberjar/conus.jar:resources conus.core &
# for the curious, `sudo` is needed because the app runs on port 443.
# -E means "keep the user's environment, i.e. env vars." we want DATABASE_URL, LEIN_ROOT, and a few others.
# & is for running asynchronously, so the job runs in the background

updated (jan 25 2018) deploying to production (though the old way will still work)

to deploy the jar, assuming you've already setcap'd:

nohup java -cp target/uberjar/conus.jar:resources conus.core &

to setcap:

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java

(see notes in the spendgap slack, administrivia channel, for details). also stackoverflow: )

making changes to queries.sql

to have the app reload the queries.sql file, inside of conus.db.core, eval

(conman/bind-connection *db* "sql/queries.sql")

(when you're running the app via lein repl)

chrome redirects localhost:3000 to https when developing

this worked for me. "empty cache and hard reload."