converged-computing / oras-csi

ORAS (OCI registry as storage) container storage interface
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[Question] PV volume path canonicalization. #25

Open sajayantony opened 1 year ago

sajayantony commented 1 year ago

The pv datapath currently has : if there is a port or a digest form. Good news is that deployments from digest tags works. :)

I don't know if this is an issue but most likely need to consider if we should sanitize this further.

Preparing to pull from remote repository: kind-registry:5000/java-app"
Plain http: true"
Found digest: sha256:4fe6f3e48881647c22bea5c5ca02872b6f5d9ff75931a692e00c50f59de3f429 for sha256:4fe6f3e48881647c22bea5c5ca02872b6f5d9ff75931a692e00c50f59de3f429"
Pulling sha256:514fd93c4f9d875fc5c98532f2399a740d4e02a8eefe4a71155e8d92c69e14fb, 0 of 1"
OCI: Writing sha256:514fd93c4f9d875fc5c98532f2399a740d4e02a8eefe4a71155e8d92c69e14fb to /pv_data/default/kind-registry:5000-java-app-sha256:4fe6f3e48881647c22bea5c5ca02872b6f5d9ff75931a692e00c50f59de3f429/HelloWorldServer.jar"
Oras artifact root: /pv_data/default/kind-registry:5000-java-app-sha256:4fe6f3e48881647c22bea5c5ca02872b6f5d9ff75931a692e00c50f59de3f429"

If this isn't important let's close the issue.

vsoch commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering how we would handle the case of wanting to include more than one reference, or more than one digest. I think possibly this would be the "include the actions summary manifest" that we haven't developed yet. I'm wondering how we would handle that, because the URI is currently based on one reference, so more than one reference would require more than one bind (which is not ideal, ideally the different references should be under the same directory). Maybe if someone provides a set of actions, they would provide a custom name for it? And maybe this could allow loading a pre-determined set of identifiers for the cluster to use (for further control) ?

Control Bind Identifier

For this first example, we need better control of how we namespace artifact groups. Assuming that I can also define some group of assets to add, here is how I would say "name the oras-csi bind to optional-mount-identifier.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: my-csi-app-inline
    - name: my-container
      image: ubuntu
      - name: oras-inline
        mountPath: "/mnt/oras"
        readOnly: true
      command: [ "sleep", "1000000" ]
    - name: oras-inline
        readOnly: true
          oras-csi.actions: |
            <not developed yet>

This would allow someone to deploy the driver, deploy the pod with the actions defined under a certain namespace, and then (given that the artifact persist) just ask to use it - no need to think about ORAS/OCI references!

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: my-csi-app-inline
    - name: my-container
      image: ubuntu
      - name: oras-inline
        mountPath: "/mnt/oras"
        readOnly: true
      command: [ "sleep", "1000000" ]
    - name: oras-inline
        readOnly: true

This might also be provided to the original driver deployment - a directive to say "pre-load these paths and don't allow extension from that." It's a slightly different use case than we've talked about before - if you provide some cluster to your users, you can pre-load sets of named artifacts for your users, and (although they could deploy a pod to still inspect that space) they wouldn't need to. This would be a lazy way to package a random set, instead of having to build some set of artifacts into a single reference beforehand.

ORAS OCI Manifest?

I think we will ultimately want something that looks like a manifest, because it could be the case we want to do a mount that includes something from more than one artifact. The simplest idea is taking your patch reference, and using that:

    - name: oras-inline
        readOnly: true
          # This probably needs some tweaking
          oras.artifact.patch: ""

And then possibly (since standards take forever) we could design a prototype that would be saved as an artifact itself, and allows for assembling such a manifest:

$ oras-csi patch  --minor sha256:aabbccdd --major sha256:eeffdgghh --crit sha256:iijjkkll

and that would result in:

    "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.artifact.manifest.v1+json",
    "artifactType": "application/vnd.oci.image.patch.v1+json",
    "refers": {
        "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
        "size": 1234,
        "digest": "sha256:cc06a2839488b8bd2a2b99dcdc03d5cfd818eed72ad08ef3cc197aac64c0d0a0",
        "annotations": {
            "": ""
    "annotations": {
        "org.opencontainers.image.patch.minor.digest": "sha256:aabbccdd",
        "org.opencontainers.image.patch.major.digest": "sha256:eeffdgghh",
        "org.opencontainers.image.patch.critical.digest": "sha256:iijjkkll"

And that would be pushed as an artifact, and referenced in the oras-oci volume attributes. But I don't totally like that design because (I don't think) a human should need to look up digests! But high level:

  1. I can define a recipe for doing patching
  2. The recipe is stored as an artifact for now
  3. I can provide the recipe to oras-oci to extract / perform the patch.

What do you think? I'm happy to prototype some ideas if we like any of them. Conceptually, the "assemble a patch" recipe feels very similar to something I did for dicom data (a deid "recipe" file that ranged from simple actions (ADD/REMOVE/BLANK) to running user functions across some set of dicom headers.

sajayantony commented 1 year ago

So many questions don't know where to start. It's all so interesting. love the simplified idea you have -

$ oras-csi patch  --minor sha256:aabbccdd --major sha256:eeffdgghh --crit sha256:iijjkkll

@salaxander might be interested in this as well due to

sajayantony commented 1 year ago

Can flux or another workflow drive the patching of these mounts and/or the base images?

vsoch commented 1 year ago

Can flux or another workflow drive the patching of these mounts and/or the base images?

Why do we need a workflow tool, beyond just having the driver retrieve the manifests, and dump stuff where it needs to be?

Flux could be used as some kind of workflow service in a cluster (and that's a cool idea) even outside of the Flux Operator. There could be a pod running Flux and that we could submit jobs or tasks to it. The Flux Operator is running typically on a networked set of pods (e.g., they would be using this driver).

I've been trying to think of more creative ways to implement this - e.g., you can actually communicate with Flux via a proxy, even with basic ssh. So theoretically if we needed some kind of worker pod, we would run a small flux instance there, and then could proxy commands to it. We also can communicate with RPC. That's a cool idea! Is that what you had in mind - having some kind of pod service with Flux?