converged-computing / oras-csi

ORAS (OCI registry as storage) container storage interface
MIT License
14 stars 3 forks source link
container-storage-interface csi kubernetes oci oras


This repository is a test to create a CSI driver into one that uses ORAS to generate a cluster-level cache of artifacts. Read about the use cases or jump in!

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A CSI or "Container storage interface" is a standard plugin that we can instantiate to make it easy for others to use it in their Kubernetes clusters. At least, this is my current level of understanding. What I want to get working is an emphemeral, inline plugin that sits alongside a node and can keep a local cache of artifacts (e.g., containers or data) to be used between different pod runs (e.g., an indexed job).

For documentation, see our early docs folder.



These are ideas / features that would be nice to have:

This is a pretty good start for a quick prototype!


I looked at a lot of examples to figure out the basic architecture I wanted to use. Here are the ones that I liked the design for:


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