conwid / AzureDocumentDbDriver

MIT License
23 stars 3 forks source link

Azure CosmosDb LinqPad Driver

This is a LinqPad data context driver for Azure CosmosDb

Check out my blogposts on the making of the driver:

Download the binaries

Head over to the releases to download the binaries.


For a detailed description of the currently supported features, please refer to the project Wiki.


Every idea, issue or improvement is welcome. If you want to contribute, join the discussions under the issues or read the Wiki on how to contribute and issue a PR.

Disclaimer and license notes

The driver is released under MIT license (check out the License file here in the repo).

Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Also see the source code for every indication of reasonable attribution.

I would like to thank all the people that helped me when I got stuck with the driver. Check out the discussions at StackOverflow: