coodoo / react-redux-isomorphic-example

An isomorphic example built with react and redux , see readme for detailed instructions
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Universal Example with React and Redux


This is an isomorphic/universal example built with react and Redux which utilizes the same codebase on server and browser to correctly handle multiple requests at the same time.

This example was previously built with alt and now fully migrated to redux, you might as well compare the two and see the differences.

Feel free to ask questions or send over pull requests.

How to run

$ npm i
$ npm start

Then visit localhost:3000.

Upgrade Notes

The case for redux

We love react and flux for that it provides a smooth workflow and much simpler mindset to develop applications.

On top of that, redux makes things like 10x easier by transforming flux store into pure functions, with no state stored inside, which solved a lot of singleton and waiting issues in other implementations, it also encourages a lot of best practices like container component, easy extension points and minimal API surface area.

Under the hood, redux is heavily based on various functional programming ideas to make those nice things happen, but don't let the functional aspect of redux scares you off, as a lib user, you don't really need to know about those inner workings to get started.

That being said, it's quite an enjoyable and amazing experience to read through the whole codebase line by line and fully comprehend how things were designed to work in a very different manner, it's truly an eye opener.

In short, if you could only pick up one new skill this summer (2015), redux should be on top of your list (and a bit of functional programming knowledge won't hurt too :)

Feature Highlights

Goals of the example

Why Universal App?

Technical highlights

1. Learn from mistakes

An early implementation of this example handles the data model wrong by mutating the state passed into each reducer hence causing a lot of strange issues like making redux-devtools acting funny.

@gaearon, author of both redux and redux-devtools, was kindly enough to pointed out those mistakes and provided detailed instructions on how to make it right.

Later the example was migrated to use immutablejs but the immutability spirit stays the same.

2. Key things to note about universal implementations

3. How immutable data model works

Immutable.js was picked for the job for two main reasons:

  1. Immutable source of truth (data model) is easy to reason about, it makes dirty diff fast and the overal app state less error-prone.

  2. The data structure itself is fully fool-proof, meaning no one can accidentally modify the data model and causing bugs that are extremely hard to trace and fix, especially in a large team.

Pay special attention to the use of Immutable.Record data structure and update() method used to manipulate data.

4. How container component works

In most redux applications <Connector> is the root container component that holds all child components, it's responsible for fetching application state from outside, stores it, monitor it's change event and triggers redraw.

There's a nice select function in <Connector> that you could use to cherry pick and monitor only those reducers you are interested, by doing so you avoided unnecessary redraw calls hence making the app more performant.

Redux-devtools included

With redux-devtools in place, you can undo/redo changes anytime, just like travelling back and forth in time, it's super neat being able to debug the application at different status.

Pro hint, it can be toggled off by setting window.$REDUX_DEVTOOL = false; in boot.js.

redux-devtools inaction

Special thanks

Thanks @gaearon for code review and pointing out misc. issues. Lee Byron for bringing immutable.js to the world, it makes everything easier, you guys rock!
