cookandy / cloudflare-elk

Quickly analyze your Cloudflare logs with ELK
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This project allows you to quickly analyze logs from your Cloudflare domains using the ELK stack.

This project is similar to Cloudflare's Elasticsearch log integration, but is small and easy enough to run on your local machine.



  1. An enterprise Cloudflare account (required to use the log API)
  2. Your API email address and key (found on your Cloudflare profile page)
  3. Docker and Docker Compose
  4. On Linux, you may need to set sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 (see here for more info)

Quick Start

  1. Clone this project

    git clone

  2. From the cloudflare-elk directory, edit docker-compose.yml and include the following required fields

    • CF_EMAIL: your Cloudflare email address
    • CF_API_KEY: your Cloudflare API key
    • CF_ZONES: a comma-separated list of Cloudflare zone IDs to retrieve logs from (found on your domain's page)
    • CF_FIELDS: a comma-separated list of fields to be retrieved for your logs (see all available fields here)
  3. Run docker-compose up -d to start the container

  4. Wait a minute or two for everything to start up, and then create the geopoint data and import the dashboards by running this command:

    docker exec cf-elk /scripts/

  5. Go to http://localhost:5601 and view your Cloudflare logs


This container is built on top of the sebp/elk project, with some additional start up scripts. The startup script in this project does the following

The container takes a coupe minutes to fully start Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. After the ELK server has started, you can run /scripts/ from within the container to set up the ES geohash, and import the saved objects. If the import is successful, you'll see


Because the Cloudflare logging API requires end time to be at least 1 minute in the past, logs will always be delayed by at least 1 minute.

Scheduled times

There are two environment variables to control how often scripts are run, and are expressed via cron syntax

Fetching logs

The environment variable CF_LOGS_FETCH_MIN determines how many minutes of logs you want to fetch with each call. The default is 5. The logs are temporarily downloaded as gz files inside the container, and are removed once ingested via logstash's file_completed_action option.

Volume mappings

The data directory contains data from Elasticsearch and logstash, and will be persisted after a container restart.