A Chip-8 Interpreter written in C.
Currently, the interpreter is in a playable state. The only missing core features are the system buzzer and more accurate timing for the execution of the system.
Some information about Chip-8 can be found here
To build the project run:
<unix> location/of/project make
Running from the command line:
<unix> ./chip8 path/to/rom
Running from the command line with logging enabled:
<unix> ./chip8 path/to/rom log
Verified compatible with Linux and Mac OS.
GNU C compiler
Command line tools if you are on Mac OS
SDL2 installed on your machine
A copy of a Chip-8 Rom
1 | 2 | 3 | C |
4 | 5 | 6 | D |
7 | 8 | 9 | E |
A | 0 | B | F |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Q | W | E | R |
A | S | D | F |
Z | X | C | V |
'esc' Key : Close the Emulator
'Spacebar' : Pause / Resume the Emulator
'F5 Key' : Reset the emulator